“Why?” I tilted my head; the motion felt funny, but I’d just drunk my body weight in blood. Wolves didn’t do that.

Very slowly, Serenity dipped her hands into my hair and tugged it forward. I almost vomited all over the bed when I saw the locks in her shaking hands.





He sounded like Mason.

My heart recognized his heartbeat.

What I was seeing was impossible.

And yet, I’d just mated with a werewolf. As a vampire, I could suspend disbelief to an extent.

Mason kept looking at his hair, then he jumped from the bed to look in the mirror in all his naked glory.

I tried not to stare.

It was next to impossible.

He was perfectly formed, like a sculpture you see in a museum; every ounce of tissue on his body was sinewy muscle, rock-hard, from his tree-trunk legs to his flat abs.

Scars marred his back, scars that I’d never seen before.

Black hair ran down to the middle of his spine.

Red sliced through the black on either side, creating highlights brought on by blood.

Slowly, I stood and wrapped a sheet around my body.

The minute I approached, he tugged the sheet down and looked his fill, his eyes achingly slow as they drank my body in.

“I want you again,” he whispered. “But—”

“Take me.” I was his, and he was mine — no matter what color his hair, his skin.

He grinned. “I like your thoughts. They make me think this is just… an odd coincidence of a werewolf and vampire mating.”

I gulped. “I wish that were the case, but—”

“But then I wouldn’t know how to make that tree die out there.” He nodded toward the window. “I wouldn’t know the exact phrase to use to speak to the grass so it grows. I wouldn’t know those things, no.”

He was easily over a foot taller than I, and I reached up and touched the scars on his back only to stutter back when a black feather suddenly appeared and fell to the ground at my feet.

The minute I touched it, it disintegrated into ash.

Mason swore and then shoved me behind him so hard I almost collided with the mirror.

“What is it?” I whispered.

He shook his head in disbelief. “Well, it looks like I won’t need to go hunting for them.”
