He let out a roar so ear-piercing that the house shook with it.

I almost looked away but then remembered Cassius’ words as Mason’s fangs descended like sharp swords coming from his mouth.

They were longer than mine, menacing.

I waited for him to strike — to take.

He didn’t.

He watched me watch him.

I tried my best not to blink to show him I wasn’t afraid, to be worthy of both man and beast.

His length strained against my thigh, and I moved beneath him. His eyes were crazed as he lowered his head between my legs and nuzzled, as if he was going to take a really arousing nap.

My thighs clenched while he ran his nose along every bare inch of me, his tongue outlining and pulsing with increased movements. He kept his claw on my neck, making it impossible to move.

He trailed slow dangerous circles with his tongue, only to stop as my body pleaded for release. I tried to move with him, but every time I did, he would stop what he was doing. Since I needed him to keep going, since it felt like my life depended on his touch, his every lick, I closed my eyes and let the rapture of his mouth fill my body.

His appetite seemed to only increase the more my body gave way as hot waves of pleasure shot through my core.

The process would repeat as he licked me up again and again. With a hungry growl, he feasted and then stopped as a pinch of pain hit my inner thigh.

The world stilled.


His heavy breathing…

My stuttered heart…

The claw holding me still dug into my flesh.

I whimpered at the contact and felt his tongue lick the wound dry before he returned his attention to me.

My mouth…

My neck…

His eyes darted from my skin to my lips as if he wasn’t sure which he should taste first, as if it was the hardest choice he’d ever made in his entire life.

The struggle was still there, but I could see logic return to his expression as he tried to calm himself down.

But I didn’t want him calm.

That wasn’t Mason.

Mason was all beast.

And I wanted him to know that I wanted both beast and man.

How could I not?

I met his gaze and then pushed his claw into my neck, piercing my own flesh enough for blood to trail down my white skin.

And realized too late…

That I’d just unleashed the beast.