“Mine,” I said right back.

I was crazed, angry, hurt. I was so many things.

And then she pressed an ear to my chest, and my heart thumped with purpose, with new reason.

And instinct completely took over.

An instinct to claim.

An instinct born into me from hundreds of years of trying to do exactly the opposite.

I burned for her in a way that made no sense.

I pined as if I’d been searching for her my entire life.

My body begged.

My heart thundered, demanding I give answers I couldn’t give to questions I refused to ask myself for fear of what I would discover.




“Mason!” Timber was yelling. “You’re killing her!”

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Why was Timber angry?

Why was she dying?

No, no, this couldn’t be wrong.

Not when it felt so right.

So good.

I felt her everywhere.

In my blood, in my mouth, coating my fangs.

More. I wanted more.

To strip her bare.

To expose every inch of her to my mouth.

“Let. Her. Go.” Cassius’ voice shook me from my state.

Why was Cassius suddenly there? What was wrong?

I’d never experienced such pain as I released her neck and fell to the ground, Serenity falling across me, a bloody mess.

I’d done that.

I’d put that empty dazed look in her eyes.