He pressed a hand to my forehead. “And now?”

“Sleepy.” I yawned.

He picked me up into his arms and gave my parents one last look. “Your punishment for what you have done. You will stay in this state until he makes his choice.”

“My baby!” Maither wailed. “Give him back!”

“Silence!” Sariel waved his hands, and immediately no words came from her still-moving mouth. “You know the cost of creating.”

“He is ours.” Dad stood to his full height. “We made a pact to—”

“I know exactly what you have done!” Sariel roared. “You have taken matters into your own hands because you lack trust. Therefore, I will take what is most important to you before you suffer the consequences of his blood.”

I didn’t understand.

I didn’t want to.

What did they do to me?

I felt normal.

Except for the burning in my lungs… the parched feeling in my mouth…

As Sariel carried me away, I saw tears fill my mother’s eyes. All I kept thinking was that I would never see them again. I would never know love again.

My mom ran after Sariel and handed him a pouch.

Inside were berries and pinecones.

“We will meet again.” Dad nodded to me. “Be well, son.”

My vision faltered.

It was my last memory of my parents together.

Of Scotland the way it used to be, with both of them smiling down at me.

Of the large castle and the grounds around it where vampires and immortals lived and protected one another.

I gasped for air just as the music stopped, and the show started to play before my eyes.

It was painful to see the scenery. I could almost smell the heather.

I looked away. “Turn it off.”

Serenity frowned. “But it just started—”

“I said turn it off!” I jumped to my feet and kicked the coffee table over; the glass fell to the ground with a shatter as tiny droplets of blood spread themselves wide over the hardwood.

I sucked in a heavy breath as Serenity froze next to me.

I could have sworn the world tilted on its axis as I eyed the three drops, not even enough to make a mess; one swipe of a cloth would cause them to disappear, it was a downward spiral, the way three drops tempted me more than the glass of blood.


I was so weak.

I rocked back on my heels just as Serenity stood. “I’ll clean up.”