I gasped in outrage. “It’s only the best show on TV!”

“American Ninja Warrior is the best show on TV,” he argued. “Damn Ethan, won’t even let me try out.”

I covered my mouth with my hand to keep the laughter in. “You would either kill the contestants or be too heavy for the obstacles.”

His head whipped in my direction. “Did you just call me fat?”

My eyebrows shot up. “The only fat part of your body is probably your head.”

“Thank you.” Sarcasm was apparently lost on him as he took the compliment and then let out a little half-bark-half-laugh. “You called me a fathead.” His smile grew. “Vampires, so mature…”

“Hey, you’re the one running around throwing temper tantrums and breaking things then getting angry at me one minute and—” I gulped as his eyes flashed then locked onto mine.


“I’m not angry at you,” he finally said, looking away.

“Then who are you angry at?”

“Everything else.” He took a seat far away from me and nodded to the television. “Show me this Outlander. I’ll decide what’s better.”

“And if it’s better?”

A smirk replaced his scowl. “If it’s better, then you win, and I cook you steak again. If it’s not better, I win, and you go hunting

with me.”

“Deal.” I held out my hand.

He stared at it for at least three seconds before grabbing it, dwarfed by the size of his hand, and giving it a shake. He didn’t let go; instead, he tugged me closer to him until I almost splayed across his lap and then touched his nose to my neck and inhaled.

He rubbed his head against mine and spoke softly in my ear. “This is how wolves make bets.”

I gulped and whispered hoarsely, “Noted.”


I nuzzled her neck.

I was a freak.

She smelled — healed.

My nose touched her chin as my mouth watered with the need to pierce flesh.

I jerked back and gave my head a shake, my hair whipping against my cheeks so hard I probably looked half crazed.

Her eyes locked on my mouth.

I licked my lips instinctively.

Expression dazed, she blinked up at me and then frowned. “You smell… different.”

“Now I smell?” I lightly shoved her away from me. “You’re not the best at compliments, vampire.” I nodded toward the TV. “Let’s get this over with. I have a hunt to take you on.”

Her eyes narrowed in on mine before she directed her attention to the set and pressed a button on the remote. “Game on.” She scooted away from me.

I felt the distance in my soul. As if she’d just put this invisible barrier between our bodies. I sucked in a sharp breath to ease the pain, to help myself calm down.