“Of course.” She clung to me tighter.

Alex shrugged. “Could be that. I helped do it to Steph. She thought she was a siren for hundreds of years. Nope, all Dark One.”

She wasn’t there to yell at him.

He snorted. “She wishes she were a siren. We get all the nice tricks.”

Hope rolled her eyes.

“How could you tell?” Serenity asked the question I didn’t want anyone answering.

But Alex had a ginormous mouth, so he simply said, “Cassius would know. Or any angel for that matter.” His smirk grew when he nodded to me and asked, “You dye your hair? She got a little angel fantasy.”

“No, you jackass.” I threw a pillow at his face. “Apparently, I’m housing a Watcher! But thanks for caring!”

Alex paled. “Seriously?”

“No, I like red and black. They look good with my CLAWS!” I roared. “Yes, so not only do I crave blood like it’s my only chance of life, but when I turn into a wolf, I turn white now, and to top it all off, I look like a freaking psychopath!”

“You don’t look like a psychopath,” Serenity said helpfully, patting my arm as if I was a child.

I hated how it calmed me, her touch, the way her fingers grazed my skin, making my wolf rumble inside with the need to smell her neck, to taste her tongue.

I stood.

Alex backed up.

Ethan put an arm around Genesis and pushed her out of the way.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not really one of them. I’m me—”

“Just taller,” Hope added with a wink.

Alex elbowed her.

Ethan grumbled out, “Insanely strong and angelic-like sure, but it’s still you.”

“Any more Watcher bodies who need a hand? Because I gotta say I could total

ly dig a nine pack.” Alex patted his stomach and winked.

I was ready to rip his head from his shoulders when Cassius entered with Stephanie, looking way too pleased to make me comfortable.

Alex coughed and looked away.

Cassius ignored us completely and stared down Serenity. “So now you know.”

She nodded. “I guess. I mean, what am I really?”

“You’re you,” he said vaguely. Not helpfully.

“Is this a glamour?” She pointed to her beautiful body.

I would have been disappointed if it was. I loved her body, loved that it took care of her soul for so many years for me, despite my stubbornness and arrogance.

Cassius jerked his head to me. “Ask Mason.”

“Mason isn’t an angel,” Alex pointed out dumbly.