“Racing a turtle again?” Alex teased.

Mason flipped him off then sniffed the air. “Something is off.”

Alex pointed at me. “Tick-Tock.”

With a growl, Mason clenched his hands. “And you expect me to do what? Lick her neck so she doesn’t die?”

“If you’d be so kind.” Alex crossed his arms. “And try not to enjoy it so much.”

“Wait.” I held up my hands, “I, um, I need a minute.”

“Her heart is fluttering.” Mason eyed me sadly. “She doesn’t want me to lick her, Alex, she wants you.”

“Well, I can’t touch her! I tried kissing her, and she nearly stopped breathing!”

Mason let out a gruff whine. “That sucks those balls of monkeys.”

“I think you mean that sucks monkey balls.” Alex swore again. “And it’s not like she needs actual sex like I do, she just needs… pleasure.”

I jerked my head in Alex’s direction. “Explain.”

“You, uh…” He winced. “Need to orgasm.”

“Oh.” I shrugged. “Aren’t there tools for that sort of thing—?”

Both Alex and Mason burst out laughing.

“What?” My cheeks heated. “What’s so funny?”

“Humans.” They muttered in unison.

Embarrassment flooded my senses. “I don’t get it, if I just need an orgasm, then I can…” I shrugged. “You know?” I mean I wasn’t exactly experienced in that arena, not really, but… what choice did I have?



Or me?

“That is not an orgasm,” Alex said with a simple shrug of his shoulders. “Humans are imperfect creatures, they are not immortal. They are given a sliver of pleasure whenever they do anything sexual, but the power behind a true orgasm is held from them. Ergo, you could try, and I’m sure it would feel okay, but not compared to what either of us could do with a simple thought. Basically, your pitiful toys and ways to get off—” His expression reflected distaste. “Don’t count. It’s like running a mile versus running a marathon.”

“Humans,” Mason muttered before stepping toward me and giving me a short bow. “It will be my honor to make you happy, Elf.”

“Stop that.” Alex cursed behind him. “You’ll give her a big head. Now, pleasure her so I can go hunt Timber and rip his head off. I can only last a few more days before I die.”

“Serious?” I asked the room.

“As death.” Alex was still smiling, though it was frozen on his face, like he was trying to make me feel better about the fact that if he didn’t’ have sex with me, his mate, he was going to cease to exist.

Mason touched my hand, as an electrical current from Alex slammed into me right along with the thought.

“I’ll kill him for touching her.”

“You’ve given me no choice,” Mason said out loud, right back at him.

Wait. If I could hear Alex’s thoughts when Mason touched me.

That meant… Alex’s power wasn’t blocked.