Sex with Alex had been out of this world.

Making love with Alex — was going to alter my world.

Then again, that was what love did, wasn’t it?


NOBODY WOULD EVER accuse me of being a patient person.

I was selfish.


I was a lot of things.

But with Hope — I felt different, like I was finally able to take my time kissing the spot where her neck met her collarbone. Suddenly, it was okay to take my time because I loved her — because it wasn’t about finding release and gaining more power.

Power I had.

Love — I needed.


I knew I was changed — knew that since I’d reached my full potential and recognized my powers — that my job was to give.

Not to take.

So I gave.

I gave her everything.

I laid down every freaking part of my body and soul at her feet and gave more.

“I have loved you… for as long as I remember.” Tears pricked my eyes as I realized the intensity behind my words; they shook with truth. Thank God Sariel had thought ahead.

I stopped kissing her briefly, my thoughts focused on Sariel, maybe, just maybe he saw this future.

Maybe he saw my potential.

Maybe he saw what it would be when I had a mate.

I had to believe that his death on this human plane meant something.

And with Hope in my arms — I did.

I believed that sometimes death had to occur for new life to begin.

“Children,” I blurted finding her mouth. “I want loads of cranky, whiny children with rainbow hair.”

Hope laughed against my mouth. “Then we better get started, don’t you think?”

“I don’t care if they’re elves,” I whispered reverently, running my hands down her naked body. “I don’t care if they make cookies.” She burst out laughing, “Or if they live in a shoe.”

“I didn’t have my old memories!” Her laughter was infectious. “I didn’t know!”

“It was adorable.”

“It was not.”