Too good.

The type of good you stare at until your eyes start to cross and your heart threatens to thump out of your chest. Or the way chocolate tastes as it melts across your tongue only to attach its calorie fest to your thighs later.

Crap, I thought of thighs.

A visual of his thighs.

My thighs.

Everyone’s thighs.

Came into view.

Though mine were larger than the girls next to me.

I winced. Yeah, larger by a long shot.

Again, it was like standing next to two pixie fairies. Both had elf-like features

with blonde hair that matched the wisps of white I saw escaping from underneath his hood.

Another whimper was emitted from the girl to my left as she swayed toward him. More sweat dripped down my spine, making a lovely trail down the back of my plain black leggings.

“You.” His voice was intoxicating, like I’d never heard the word you before and was just now being given the pleasure of hearing it for the first time. Gulping, I took a step back, because something told me stepping forward would be a bad idea.

“Me?” Both girls answered swaying toward him.

The hood still covered half of his face, his smile unleashed a whole flutter of excitement from the girls who started to pant next to me.

If that’s what he needed to get his rocks off, he was going to be seriously disappointed.

I was too hot to be hot and bothered, if that made sense.

My knees were about ready to buckle.

I had sweat — everywhere.

I just wanted to sit down with a nice cold drink of water.

“Dance,” he whispered.

Both girls immediately moved around the room, leaping into the air in perfect ballerina like form. Was that part of the human training now? Dance lessons?

“Cry.” He didn’t move, just crossed his arms while they both burst into tears, eventually sobbing against one another. Either they were really good actresses, or he was just that powerful.

Which begged the question.

What was wrong with me?

“Indeed.” Alex mused. “What is wrong with you?” His blue eyes flashed as he glanced at my dirty flip-flops and slowly raised his gaze to meet mine. A look of disgust marred his near perfect features. “Other than the obvious, I mean.”

“The obvious?” I repeated. “I’m sorry I don’t—”

“Oh, believe me, I know you don’t understand. How could you?”

The girls continued to sob, while I held the immortal Siren’s pissed off glare; his icy blue eyes refused to look away.

I felt naked.