It was never pretty.

Mainly because females, or at least the ones of this variety, were stupid, not realizing that vampire bites only felt good if they wanted it to, or that werewolves couldn’t control their claws.

But really, the sirens were the most terrifying.

One in particular.

The most powerful one of his kind.

I prayed the immortal who needed to be mated was the nice wolf. The one with the shaggy hair and soulless eyes.

I’d take him any day over sex in boots.

Like Puss in Boots, only way more intimidating.

The large wood door creaked open.

The girl to my left started sighing as if she was about two seconds short of the best orgasm of her life, while the pixie on the right, the one who not a few minutes ago appeared like she was going to pass out — started moaning.


I winced.

This was what happened when you went to work early.

You got sucked into weird immortal mating rituals.

It wasn’t like I could say no this morning when The Dark One swept by me. He paused. The angel paused and then slowly turned, locking eyes with me and whispered. “What are you?”

Confused, mainly because it was rumored that if you spoke to him without being given permission, he’d snap your neck like a twig. I stared at him like a mute.

“Never mind.” He waved his giant hand in front of my face then crooked his fingers. “Come. I have a new job for you.”

I frowned then blurted. “Like a promotion?”

Dead. He could have killed me right there. Snapped his fingers and incinerated me. Instead, his steps faltered as he opened a large wooden door and motioned me inside.

“Sure. Let’s call it a promotion.”

I didn’t realize until after the fact that he’d put me in the stupid mating room.

The two gorgeous girls gave me perfectly bland smiles while they hugged their parent’s goodbye.

As for me, I got to stand there like I was actually worthy of being considered by an immortal.

My fingers were dirty from one of the plants I’d just recently moved to another room.

Dirt caked my nails.

Still hot, I took a deep breath just as the hooded figure walked in.

Dark leather pants wrapped around his muscular thighs. I sucked in a breath but only managed to get hotter as oxygen failed to enter into my body.

It was him.

The bad one.

Well, really, the good one.