I understood why.

And typically, it didn’t faze me.

But damn they all wanted to feed off of me — I promised them something they’d never had in their entire miserable existence. Peace.

I promised to sate their lust.

If they only knew that once I did that — they’d just crave more and die from want once I walked away — they wouldn’t be so eager to send their inappropriate thoughts my way. Hell, if they knew what I was capable of — if I knew — the power would destroy everything in its path.

“Octavian.” I clinked my beer bottle with his. “I need to talk to Timber.”

“He’s out.” Octavian chugged his beer and slammed it down onto the bar. His blond hair fell in waves over his forehead. “Said he had shit to do.”

“And I don’t?”

He snorted. “Please, like you do anything but screw.”

I itched to snap his neck like a twig. Would have done it if it wouldn’t have pissed Cassius off. Power surged through me after being with Hope. And what was even better — having Mason in the room only enhanced the overall charge of what had taken place.

So I was basically on the highest high of my life.

Sitting next to a demon who wanted to eat me so he could have all the warm, sexy feelings to himself.


“And Bannik?”

Octavian froze, his gaze lingering on the beer bottle in his hand. “Still… trying.”

“Fine.” I stood. “Tell Timber I need to see him as soon as possible, and keep an eye on Bannik.”

Octavian snaked out and grabbed my wrist, his eyes filled with lust. “You should stay.”

“I’d rather not get snacked on, thanks for the offer, though.” I winked.

He didn’t release his hold.

Sighing, I jerked my hand away, nearly causing him to slam his body against the ground before he caught himself with his free hand. “I don’t have time for games. I actually have a life.”

“Not for long.” He snorted.

“What was that?”

“Sirens. So stupid.” He swore and then crooked his finger. I had no choice but to lean in. “Bannik cannot drain the One’s Who Watch.”

“Yeah. Caught that.”

“He will stop at nothing to suck in their power. Even now he mixes the blood of immortals to find the right way to infuse.”


“He has tried all of them but one.” Octavian looked behind his shoulder and then shoved away from the bar. “I’ve said enough.”

“Wait.” I grabbed him by the shirt. “What hasn’t he tried?”

I had no time to react before he bit into my neck and came back with a piece of flesh. “Siren.”