And then there was Alex.

I sighed as my body heated.

Alex. Alex. Alex.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to force all sexy thoughts of him away from my brain.

He really wasn’t that pretty to look at.

Because he was too pretty.

Prettier than me.

By a long shot.

If you stared at us side by side, you’d think he was doing charity or something. It was that bad.

Then again, he even made the rest of the immortals pale in comparison.

“Stupid Alex,” I muttered.

“You called?” A silk voice wrapped itself around me, warmth invaded my fingertips as my heart fluttered.

Alex loomed over the bed. At least he was clothed. A white T-shirt had somehow glued itself to his body making sure that every single muscle strain was visible. His black leather pants so weren’t helpful.

They were tight.

Why leather? Why not jeans?

“They itch.” Alex said, answering my thoughts. “Besides, I like soft things against my skin, don’t you?”

He was doing it again, his eyes dilated as his mouth slowly descended.

I met him halfway, unable to stop myself.

But the minute our lips touched a searing pain erupted up my arm and wrapped around my neck.

I tried to suck in a breath.

And nothing…

There was no air.

Alex’s horrified gaze shifted to fury as he gripped me by the arms holding me against his chest, pounding me against the back. “Breathe.”

I’m trying! I screamed the thought at him.

“Shhh.” His hand slid down my back as he pressed my ear against his chest, his heart thudded slowly against my ear. “Breathe in and out.”

So I did.

I listened to his heart and then placed my hand there too, because it felt good, it felt warm, not hot, comforting.

In fact, the slight buzzing I’d had around him was completely gone, and in its place, I finally felt normal again.

So normal that I wasn’t ready to beg him for sex.

The alarm on the bedside table rang.