The door opened.

Of course it did because privacy wasn’t exactly something that was freely given at Ethan’s. But I was too much of a menace to society to live out on my own. Cassius had created a nice little protective barrier around my room making it so that the trees didn’t try to uproot themselves in an effort to fly through my window and fall prey to my seduction. In all my years living it had only happened once, and it was awkward as hell getting pinned to my own bed by a freaking branch.

“What?” I barked.

“You’re a giant asshole.” Mason seethed and then shook his head like he was trying to clear his thoughts. “Damn it, turn it off!”

“Like I can!” I yelled back at him. “You think I want you to—” I made a face. “Mason, that’s a physical impossibility and you know it.”


“You need to get laid.” I smirked. “If I wasn’t mated I would do you a solid and—”

“Finish that sentence and I’m killing you. To hell with what Cassius says.” Mason growled. “I’m perfectly fine, you’ve just been… running too hot lately.”

“You’re telling me,” I whispered under my breath as a flicker of power burned beneath my skin. I thought I could hide it. But in the last few hours it had gotten worse, the need, the want, the desire to explode everything around me into tiny little fragments for my own pleasure. “Now what’s this asshole business about?”

“She fell down the stairs.” Mason lifted his chin in defiance and then smiled wickedly. “But don’t worry, Siren, I licked her wounds.”

Color exploded in my line of vision. “I’m sorry, you did what?” I rasped.

“Licked.” He took a step toward me and crossed his arms. “She tastes good, no?”

“Son of a bitch!” I charged at him slamming his body against the nearest wall as cement crumbled to the floor. “You touched mine?”

“And…” Mason wasn’t deterred. If anything, he looked downright cheerful. “I liked it.”

My fist came down on his face so hard that blood spewed from my knuckles and caked his cheek.

“That tickled.” Mason laughed through a mouthful of silver blood.

I was pulled away from him by both Ethan and Cassius.

Genesis and Stephanie came running into the room just in time to see the show.

“He licked her!” I accused.

“So?” Genesis shrugged. “Ethan bit her.”

“HE WHAT?” I roared as the room shook beneath my feet.

“If he turns into a rainbow you owe me ten dollars.” Stephanie elbowed Genesis, who nodded her head in agreement.

I couldn’t control the colors.

Pinks. Reds. Blues. Purples. They all flashed as a buzzing built in my body, my blood roared to life.

“He looks like a unicorn.” Genesis said in awe.

“Quick, a saddle!” Mason snapped his fingers at Cassius.

Vision blurring, I fell to my knees, in a desperate attempt to control my emotions. I didn’t want to kill my friends.

But it felt like a good idea.

It felt necessary.

Yes. Necessary.