“Her eyes. Look at her eyes.” With a choking cry, one of the elves covered her mouth.

The small one shook her head. “I feel fine.”

Dark smoke filled the air and then.


Five minutes. Had I been on time…

Death would not have come knocking.

I jolted awake from the nightmare covered in sweat. The dreams always ended there.

Like a puzzle without its final piece.

They had never found the killer.

And the bodies of the elves were buried in the immortal compound, locked away from anyone trying to seek any part of their bones for some sick ritual.

Because all immortals knew, the only way to create an abomination — was to use the immortal dead.

My memories always ended there, as if a giant ass chunk of my past was so painful that my brain refused to logically lock onto the memories like they were real. And every single mention of it to Cassius only ended up with him shrugging and saying. “All in good time.”

I wiped the sweat from my body with the cool sheet and stood as the moon shone into the room, casting a silver glow across the white sheets.

She belonged next to me.

But every time I closed my eyes, I saw her blood on my hands.

I would be her death.

With a curse, I stomped over to the window and pushed it open, taking a much needed deep breath.

My car was still gone.

I glanced at my nightstand and let out an irritated sigh. It was late at night — too late for her to be by herself. Who the hell took a job watering plants anyway? Especially a defenseless human?


Of course.

It made sense that she would be drawn to life — because a small part of her was always consciously aware that her one and only job was to produce life — and then die.

What a miserable existence.

A weak existence.

I had at least another ten hours before I needed her again.

Wanting her? That was an entirely different story. My body shook with want like I was a drug addict, my mind told me that one taste was all I needed and the burn would stop. But I knew the truth.

The burning hadn’t stopped since I’d turned fifteen.

The burning would not stop.

Until my death.

A loud knock on my door jarred my thoughts.