“Don’t make me kill you, Angel.”


bsp; “I would pay to see that fight.” Ethan smirked from across the room as he sipped a cup of blood, his eyes flashing green.

“She could die,” I said again. Maybe if I kept saying it, they would take me more seriously. “We need them to mate. And she is afraid of him!”

“She’s afraid of all of us.” Genesis’s soft voice was the only one able to bring me comfort. Her hand slid into mine as she laid her head on me, her weight settling nicely against my body. I craved her warmth, but not as much as I craved her friendship. “It’s a normal reaction.”

“Normal.” I repeated with a snort. “None of us are normal.”

“Humans are the weird ones,” Stephanie agreed.

“Humans are the chosen ones,” Cassius corrected.

“They cannot even feed themselves!” I argued, raising my voice. “If you asked a human to hunt a lion, they would become dinner!”

“Hunt many lions in your day?” Ethan piped up, and suddenly all of my family surrounded me like I was about ready to break through the window and go completely savage like those zoo animals in that silly Disney movie Genesis forced me to watch.

“What?” I blinked at each of them. Ethan stood protectively in front of the hall leading to the kitchen while Cassius braced my shoulder with his heavy-as-hell hand.

“Control yourself,” Ethan warned. “Your hunger grows.”

“Fine!” I threw my hands in the air. “I will eat when they are done… coupling.”

Genesis snorted out a laugh.

“Not that hunger.” Ethan seemed amused.

“I don’t understand.”

“Your sexual hunger.” Ethan’s smile was so wide I wanted to punch his teeth out then slam his face into the glass coffee table. “You can smell their lust — it is awakening your own need to mate.”

“So you’re saying…” I clenched my fist. “That in a messed up way, Alex is turning me on?”

Cassius shook next to me.

I turned slightly.

The bastard was laughing!

He never laughed!

“I’m killing all of you,” I muttered. “Fair warning.”

“Get laid, Wolf.” Ethan winked. “Until then, maybe stay away from the Siren’s scent.”

The warning left a sour taste in my mouth, and I recoiled with a grimace. “I don’t want Alex.”

“To be fair…” Cassius shrugged. “Even the houseplant leans with all of its might toward the kitchen. Nature cannot help itself, and it seems… neither can you. Go for a nice long walk, maybe jump in a river.”

“And stay there, cool off,” Ethan added. “For at least a half hour.”

I glared at my companions. “I hate all of you.”

“Walks are good for dogs.” Ethan grinned.

I flipped him off and ran out of the house.