“And now we begin.” He smirked.

“What?” Panic flooded my body. “I thought we were already…” I mean we were literally in the middle of sex against a wall and—

He kissed my neck once, twice, his lips brushing down to my collarbone before he thrust one more time.

My world exploded into tiny fragments before my very eyes as my body tried to rationalize the way he was making me feel, the pleasure that was pulsating through my veins.

And just when I was able to finally breathe again.

I lost all vision.

And consciousness.


“RELAX.” CASSIUS SAID again with a flick of his wrist as Stephanie moved her chess piece. “Things are going as planned.”

“Planned?” The hell! I stood and paced in front of the fireplace. “I heard the wall crack! He’s going to kill her!”

“Alex has only killed a sexual partner three times in his entire existence.” Stephanie said in a bored tone. “And he was young.”

“That doesn’t make me feel better,” I grumbled. For some reason, I felt protective of the little thing. She was a curvy little spitfire who would most likely fight him at every turn, and the mating process — it needed two minds to willingly join both physically and spiritually.

I gulped as a spasm of pain sliced through my chest.

I placed my hand over the spot that hurt and rubbed.

It always hurt.

Because of her.

It would hurt for an eternity — until we were re-joined in the afterlife… that was if the heavens allowed us to be together. It wasn’t as if we were doing a good job of keeping evil at bay — I glanced around the room at the ragtag team.

The Immortal Council was strong.

Ethan had Genesis and their twins, who were growing before my very eyes. Cassius was an archangel and had his Stephanie.

And now what? Alex had Hope.

But did he truly have her?

Besides, she was royalty. She was special. The only elf who could not die through childbirth. And he, the most powerful siren, yeah that was going to work out just great! The guy literally had the power to kill by orgasm.

I let out a frustrated growl as a scream of pain erupted from the kitchen. My knuckles burned with the need to fight. My beast roared for me to transform and take that siren’s head off.

I’d been alive for hundreds of years.

And it wasn’t until recently that I had trouble controlling my temper.

My urges.

I blinked back the anger, the pain, the need to attack, and tried to take a deep breath.

“It grows within.” Cassius suddenly said at my side. Seconds ago, he had been playing chess and now he was annoyingly poking around in my head.

“Go to Hell,” I grumbled running a rough hand over my face. When was the last time I ate? Maybe that was it. I needed to feed.

“On something more than a berry, perhaps?” Cassius suggested in that ridiculously arrogant tone of his.