“It’s okay.” The weak elf calmed me. The weak human spoke peace into existence, and I felt it wrap its arms around me, grounding me.

“This must happen.” I whispered. “It cannot be stopped.”

“Do you see me stopping it?” She countered in a brave tone.

“No.” My lips twitched as I reached for the front of my leather pants and tugged them free. “At least not yet.”

Her eyes widened a fraction before she lifted her head and said in a shaky voice. “I’m not afraid.”

“Yes, you are.”

“Yes, I am,” she echoed. “Death by orgasm wasn’t really on the plan for today.”

“Believe me when I say…” I stole a kiss and then another. “It would be a good way to go.”

“Says the one who’s living.”

“Silly elf.” I gripped her chin with my thumb and forefinger. “It

is called the little death — both people die — let’s just hope that once you find your pleasure, it isn’t so overwhelming your heart stops.”

She gulped. “Will the heat get worse?”

“It will always get worse until you find what you need.”

“And what do I need?” Her heart hammered in her chest. I could hear it soaring to new heights as she leaned into me.

“I thought that should be obvious.” I thrust my hips against hers. “You need me.”

I didn’t give her time to think before I thrust into her, holding her body in place, allowing each sensation to build across her body in small manageable waves before the pleasure built once again.

“What’s—?” She squirmed and then relaxed before her body went completely rigid, her eyes widened and then she whispered. “Is that all?”

Uncontrollable laughter bubbled out of me. “I ripped off the band-aid.”

“Am I the band-aid?”

“Go ahead….” I challenged her, arching my eyebrows with amusement. “Move.”

She frowned.

I gripped her hips and blew across her lips knowing it would cool her down a fraction before the heat built up again between us. She had no choice but to move.

She flinched.

It was enough.

Her entire body exploded around me like a rainbow bursting through the kitchen, and then she moved again.

I gave her everything, allowing her to experience me without me forcing her, but when she slid her body against me a third time, I knew I couldn’t stay frozen.

Because a siren could only allow someone to take their pleasure for so long before they have to reciprocate.

It would be a pity if she died.

Because I liked her.

Too much.