Peace had never come without sex.

Satisfaction was a not a thing I was accustomed to unless I was joined with another human being physically.

It was nice.

I felt warm.

And then too warm as darkness started to spread like a cloud across the field she was standing in.

And then, I saw him.

White hair with strips of red, a sword in hand, bleeding armor of black, caked in purple immortal blood.


His smile was cruel as he approached her.

Demeanor changed, he looked like an angel, like an original, he looked as he did before he and his brothers fell from the mountains.

And I hated him for his perfection.

For his beauty.

Beauty that only the angelic race could possess.

Beauty I would never have.

And for the first time in my existence, I was jealous as he reached for her hand and kissed it.

“NO!” I screamed, my lips finally moving but no sound came.

Hope dropped her hand and took a step back as he took a step forward.

He would not have her.

He would not touch her.

I would kill him.

I would kill all of them.

Every last one.

I would both start a war and end it.

I would destroy the planet and everyone in it — if he took what was mine.

My body shook with a need for war.

It started in my hands as my blood shook, boiling to the surface, and then I remembered what happened the last time I felt this way.


My fault.

They had all died.

With a roar, I fell to my knees.