“Deserved that.”

“Yup.” He shook out his paws as they returned to fingers and shoved them in his jean pockets. “Besides, I was trying to make you feel better, you don’t have to be such a jackass about it.”

“It’s what he does.” Ethan said sweeping into the room with all his creepy vampireyness. That was what I called it when he looked like he was one bite away from orgasming on the spot in front of God and everyone. Have a little decorum — am I right?

“Eat.” I yelled in his direction. “And for the love of God, could you please, block your thoughts for one second?” The vision of him sucking Genesis’s blood while simultaneously stripping her of every inch of clothing burned into the forefront of his mind as he bit down on her neck. “I’m busy having a nervous breakdown and the conversation you just had with your wife about nakedness and whipped cream was it? Yeah, not helping.”

Ethan lunged for me.

I ducked behind Mason and held up my hands. “Lover, not a fighter.”

“Son of a bitch, invade my private thoughts again, and I’ll gnaw your arm off without numbing you first!”

“Promises, promises.” I sang then willed him to calm down. His eyes dilated slightly before he gave his body a shake. “Better?”

Calming down another immortal always took a bit more concentration, but lucky for him I needed something to concentrate on other than the fact that I was going to enter into a room and go under lockdown with a weak, sniveling little human.

“Give me a tranq gun, then ask.”

I gasped. “You’re going to tranq Mason in the ass?”

“Nobody’s tranquing anyone in anyone’s ass!” Cassius entered the room with a resounding crack. I hated it when he did that, as if we weren’t all painfully aware that he was like one percent away from being an actual archangel and owning our asses on a silver platter.

I bowed.

Just to piss him off.

He growled in my direction. “The humans are ready back at the compound.”

“Goody,” I said in a dry voice. “Pray let’s not keep them waiting, my liege.”

Cassius leveled a glare in my direction as ice filled my veins, freezing me on the spot. He smirked.

“He can’t perform sexually if he’s frozen.” Ethan pointed out, his fangs flashing in my direction. “Though the idea does have merit.”

“Bite me!” I yelled.

With a wink, he shot me a knowing glare. “You’d enjoy it too much, Siren.”

“Yes, I just live for teeth cutting into my soft flesh, it gets me off, said no man ever.”

“Well, some men—”

“Not now Mason!” I interrupted.

Cassius waved a hand in front of my face, unthawing my body. “She’s scared.”

“Aren’t they taught that we’re attracted to fear?”

Fear after all was the reason that we were in this predicament wasn’t it? Humans were needed in order to keep the immortal race alive — but over a hundred years ago, because of the arrogant asshat Ethan, we’d had trouble calling their numbers again. Meaning that mating with humans to create immortal children had suddenly stopped working. The humans kept dying, and a great chasm erupted between both races. The humans that knew of us and served us still tried to raise their human daughters and sons to please us, but the remaining council members, me included decided that we didn’t want their deaths on our hands, ergo, we allowed ourselves to go extinct. And then Cassius, with his damn hero complex, decided hey why not call one and I’d take her? Only problem? Genesis wanted fang boy, and Cassius was still in love with my adopted sister.

Insert mind-numbing visuals that no brother should ever have to see in his entire existence here.

Long story short, the humans are no longer dying and in order to fight a pissed off fallen angel, all of the council members need to be at their strongest.


I had to mate.