The minute my lips touched his.

My world shattered into relief.

And then strong arms wrapped around me, hoisting me up onto the table as my legs straddled the sexy muscular body beneath me.

Panting, I kissed him again and again, bruising my lips as I greedily tugged his hair with my hands pulling him closer and closer.

His taste was sweet.

And cool.

And then his hands were everywhere, too fast for me to push away, too fast for me to catch with my human eyes as blurs moved past my line of vision removing every single piece of clothing I had on from the bottom down.

When he was finished, his eyes were completely filled with red.

It shouldn’t be beautiful.

It was.

When I finally found the strength to look down and notice my own nakedness, I gasped and looked around, the room was empty.

It was just us.

On a kitchen table.

Yeah, completely normal.

“Do not die,” he whispered before kissing me again.

I had a really bad feeling about what was about to happen next.

“And,” I croaked when I found my voice. “If I do?”

He pulled away his red eyes blinking slowly before he answered in a hoarse voice. “Then all is lost.”


THE RIVER WAS dripping red.

With blood.

Blood I’d spilled.

I let out a guttural cry as I fell to my feet and then I saw her. Hope. Across the river, she was laughing, smiling.

I reached out to her only to find that my hand wouldn’t move.

I yelled for her.

My mouth remained closed and even as my breathing slowed, I found I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

She was perfection.

From the wide curve of her hips to the edges of her fingertips. I wanted to lick every inch of her.

I was at peace.

Simply watching.