Of what I felt when he was near.

Dirty thoughts.

Thoughts I had no business having rushed to the forefront of my mind. Of Alex stripping every inch of clothing from my body — of his heat and mine joining — and then of ice so cold that it was hot filling my veins.

I sucked in a breath.

“Already his power grows.” Cassius eyed me cautiously. “If he can affect her even in a deep sleep.”

“Stay out of her head, Cass.” Stephanie touched his arm. “It isn’t polite.”

“Good thing I’m not polite.” He scowled and then smile

d as she reached for his hand and squeezed it. With a sigh, he hung his head as a few feathers seemed to ruffle and then calm before completely tucking back into his wings and disappearing altogether. “I’ll stop.”

The room wept with heat.

I felt it everywhere.

With a shudder, I leaned on the oak table just as a hand shot out and grabbed my wrist.

And then Alex’s eyes opened.

They were a burning red.

I couldn’t breathe.

His grip was soft.

His stare penetrating as my body shook.

Waves of pleasure rushed over me until I was a sobbing mess, until tears collided with sweat.

Nostrils flaring, his eyes went from red to blue and back before his wild hair beamed at me like an electrocuted rainbow. If I had been in my right mind, I’d think he looked like a sexy unicorn.

But I wasn’t in my right mind.

My mind wasn’t my own.

It was his.

Some part of me told me to look away, to close my eyes, to ask for help, but a small voice told me the only way out was in.

It wasn’t my voice.

And it wasn’t one I recognized.

So I had no idea why I was listening.

For all I knew, I could be hallucinating.

The only way out is in.

So hot.

I was so hot.

I leaned into him as his grip lessened and then brushed a kiss across his scalding skin.