A wolf!

And oddly enough, something about it felt familiar, like I’d done it before, numerous times actually. But that was crazy, right? Maybe a side effect of working for the immortals too long?

Embarrassment at Alex’s words quickly faded as warmth engulfed my fingers, causing a pleasant burn to spread across my body. It felt a lot like when me and Alex touched, only, this time, I wasn’t tempted to rip off every piece of clothing and throw myself at his feet.

Mason rumbled and then he started to purr.

I laughed. “I’ve always wanted a pet,” I whispered.

“This pet eats people twice your size and tried to impale a beaver last week over a pinecone. Believe me when I say, he’s not tame,” Alex said, suddenly behind me, I could feel each even breath he took. And it was aggravating. So aggravating that I felt him suck in air and exhale it.

Mason glared at me through his animalistic eyes and then shook his head playfully as if to say he’s full of shit.


MAYBE I WAS full of shit.

It was more the beaver was trying to kill him.

The pinecone had been a bonus.

But still.

He was touching mine.

I jerked away from both of them.



Possessive of something I hadn’t even physically claimed, that was new. Damn it.

With a shake, Mason started slowly transforming back to his scruffy human body, standing as the change took place.

Hope let out a small gasp and covered her face with her hands. “He’s naked.”

“Wolves don’t wear pants,” I commented with a smirk while Mason shrugged in my

direction and held out his hand. “Oh, hell no.”

“My pants ripped.” His response.

“What? So you want me to give you mine? You know I don’t wear anything under these!”

He sniffed the air, as pieces of his scruffy hair fell across his face. “Interesting.”

“Don’t say it.”

“You haven’t mated yet!”

“And you said it.” I cursed under my breath. “Does it matter?”

“The doors have opened,” Mason pointed out. “Ergo, a mating has taken place.”

“Don’t you think, I would be a hell of a lot more satisfied, powerful, and sated, if it had?” With each word, I felt my control snap more, until I was face to face with Mason and inches from ripping his head from his body.