The last thing I needed was someone who would fear sex.

And I had a sinking feeling she would fear anything sexual from me, she would shy away, defy me, deny me my rights as a siren because of her damn pride, not realizing that the only way to stay strong was to take that strength from my mate.

“I said,” I repeated the word. “Bow.”

“No.” She blinked her large eyes up at me. “I… can’t.”

“You will.”

“I won’t.”


“I’m a human now? Not an elf?”

“Truthfully, you’re both, but that’s neither here nor there.”

She chewed her lower lip, I focused in on that lip like a starved man, probably because it was painful to breathe, the pain of not touching her was excruciating, unlike anything I’d ever experienced before.

“I can make it go away, you know,” I said in a calm voice. Thank God I still had the ability to speak; pretty soon I’d turn into an unrecognizable animal and it would only be her fault — not mine. “The heat.”

Her pink tongue stuck out and wet her lower lip. I nearly exploded right then and there — the most likely result of that being to kill us both in the process. I was too strong for her.

“Oh?” She finally squeaked out.

I could work with curious.

Forcing her wasn’t working. Seducing her… had only done the opposite and made her angry.

Damn, what I wouldn’t give for one of Mason’s cool berries now, the bastard.

I opened my mouth to apologize and only managed to choke out, “Touch me.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

My body pulsed. “Oh, believe me, it’s the best idea I’ve had in a very long time.”

She reached her hand out, and my breath hitched as my body already sensed the pulsing heat from her palm.

Time froze as her fingers collided with my skin.

And the heat that had boiled beneath my body and hers, instantly disappeared and was replaced with a comfortable warmth and then, the ever present smell of rain as her body stepped into the comfort of mine, her breasts pressed against my chest, seeking me — only me.

With a muttered curse, I wrapped my arms around her body and slid my hands down her wide hips. She was passable — for a human.

Odd that she smelled so delicious, I sniffed her neck, causing her to stiffen, and then, because my self-control was barely hanging by a thread, I slid my tongue past my lips and licked below her ear.

Nothing could have prepared me for her taste.

Or the hunger that it stirred in me, until it was too late.

Until the lick turned into a hungry open-mouthed kiss, until I slid my hands into the waistband of her leggings and cupped her ass, molding her body against mine as the rich taste of honeyed mint filled me.

A moan emitted from her lips, I pulled back and silenced her with my mouth — and sealed our fate.


CASSIUS STOOD IN the corner of the kitchen, his eyes doing that creepy white thing that had the rest of the universe shitting itself, while the council looked on. Genesis shivered, Ethan pulled her close.