A little thrill of triumph traveled along my nerve endings as I inclined my head in query. “Is there anyone else in the room?”

“That’s it.” He whispered the words almost too low for me to hear. I’d crossed some sort of invisible line I hadn’t even known existed.

He stalked me like I was his prey. I scrambled away from him, but he didn’t stop until my back touched one of the walls, and he was a mere inch from me.

My body swayed toward him. I couldn’t help it.

“By God, you’ll not deny me anymore, human.”

A buzzing filled my ears as my body hummed.




I hated defiance.

She reminded me of myself, which is the last thing I needed to be reminded of. The fact that many years ago I wore that exact same expression on my face for all the world to see, a hard mask of impenetrable strength just daring the world to try and take me down.

It was a lonely look.

Worn by those who had nobody but themselves.

And it made me feel.

Oh, I felt, daily, but this type of feeling wasn’t the typical lust I was used to. It was protective in nature.

It was familiar.

I longed for it.

And hated her because of it.

What made matters worse, she was a direct descendent of the very creatures that so long ago, I’d failed to protect. Memories were fuzzy, they always were when I thought upo

n that time in my life, like someone had ripped away every important piece of information except for the main story. They had died. And it was my fault.

How, I wondered, would she react if she knew that I alone was responsible for the death of an entire race because I was in bed between the thighs of a woman who I later cursed to a slow painful death by sexual disease?


She was impossible.

Her presence. Was an impossibility. And yet there she stood, a mere inch from me and if I looked close enough her skin was almost translucent with the remnants, small pieces of blue blood that were hidden within her human DNA.

Of course, she didn’t know.

She would die without me.

Literally cook from the inside out, because the mating process started the minute the door sealed us in. Stupidly, I’d walked into that room and released my scent into the air to choose.

And — unfortunately for both of us — I’d chosen her.

I was selfish. Not so selfish that I would allow myself or her to die just because I’d rather turn her over my knee.

I let out a low groan. The vision too erotic for someone so weak, she’d probably bruise from a mere pat on the ass.