“I just did it.” I forced a smirk I didn’t feel. “Four times.”

“Hell.” Cassius looked ready to toss me into the fire. “The elves are nearly extinct. Their race can only do so much to keep hope alive and here you are, carousing with a human who’s going to die in a few years from an STD she catches by trying to find someone who matches up to you!”

“Ahhh,” I snapped my fingers. “I knew something was weird about her body chemistry but—”

“Alex.” Cassius glared daggers at me. “Get off your ass and protect the last few. It is your job! There are only five women left since the Great War. I swore I’d protect them, and protect them I will.” He stormed off.

And I sat there.

In a trance.

And I had no idea why, why the idea of protecting the innocent made me angry, especially considering what I knew of the elves.

An hour later, I finally grumbled out a curse and walked down to where I knew the defenseless little elves were waiting.

Where she was waiting.

I knew the females would judge me by my indiscretions and for once, I didn’t want to have to deal with it, deal with another woman’s scent on my skin while I made promises I knew I would never be able to keep.

The hotel was new by London standards, hardly big enough to house more than a hundred or so guests.

The door was opened for me by a man in a black hat and white-gloved fingers.

I glided through the open lobby,

enjoying the stares of women as they moaned behind their fans.

I passed a gentleman who nearly ran into one of the plants and laughed when the elderly lady walking with him whimpered. It did wonders for my bad mood, it was like marching to my death — if the elves only knew.

They’d probably kill me themselves.

Once I made it to the correct room, I let myself in. And froze.

Blue, shiny blood was everywhere.


Four elves.

Were dead.


“WHY ARE YOU looking at me like that?” I asked, rubbing my wrist with my right hand. My skin felt funny, and I was still hot, so, so hot that I wanted to cry. I would sell my arm for a glass of water.

Elf? Was that some sort of derogatory word? Like an immortal curse word?

Alex’s eyes pierced right through me as if he was staring through my body and glaring at the far cement wall, the faraway look would be creepy if he didn’t look so beautiful while doing it.

I studied his bow-shaped lips, the way they parted just enough to suck in a breath of air. His chest rose and fell in an even cadence, and then his eyes snapped shut. “Cassius, damn you!”

Why was he shouting?

It was almost as if he was afraid of me.

My lips twitched.

Add super human hearing to his many lists of attributes, his eyes flashed and a snarl curled his beautiful lips as he leaned forward close enough to kiss me. “I do not like you.”