“Creation is forbidden,” the Angel said in a booming voice. “What, brother, have you done?”

Bannik stood next to Sariel’s side, hand on his sword.

The Angel held out his hand. “We did not come to fight. We refuse to fight our own blood. We came to pass judgment, but what are we to do with a young child? Innocent in ways of the world? Innocent in ways of humanity and immortals alike?”

Sariel stood to his full height. “I could not…” He lost his voice and tried again. “This is my sin, but I cannot punish him for it. I could not.”

“Nor would it be asked of you,” the Angel fired back, his eyes blazing like fire. “Children will always be protected…” He sighed. “But this child or any born in this way, will forever be cursed.” The Angel’s eyes went black. “He will carry a darkness, and every day it will try to consume him. If he gives in, he will be killed. We will have no choice, for he has the knowledge of the heavens and the power to command at will. If he gives in to the darkness, there will be no saving him from himself, for he will be pure evil.”

Cassius, the child, cried.

Sariel nodded. “I will train him.”

“Your punishment.” The Angel spoke low in his throat. “Your curse… is that you will always carry the weight of his decisions. Sariel, we leave you twelve brothers, to help you keep the immortals and humans in balance. Now that you have mixed the blood, we are no longer at peace.” The wind swirled, nasty and angry. “But, brother, a lifetime of war. Between the races. Between each other, for you have created, and that is beyond our realm. It is forbidden.”

Lightning flashed as Sariel made his way out of the tent.

Two thousand Angels stood, ready to fight as fire struck down from the sky, destroying the mountain where the brothers had watched.

A deep sadness ripped through Sariel as most of his brothers, the ones who were awake, were commanded to sleep, and fell to the ground.

“They will slumber,” the Angel commanded, “until their penance is paid. As for the rest of you.” He pointed at the twelve remaining brothers and spread his hands wide. “Do not fail again.”

In another loud clap, the Angels returned to heaven.

All but one.

He was small.

Like a child.

Slowly, he took a step forward and held out his hands to Sariel.

“We give second chances.” He nodded. “To our creation.”

The child smiled brightly like that of a star shining in the sky, sucking the breath from the very air Sariel breathed.

And then wings grew out of Sariel’s back. “Your brothers will not slumber forever. And you will need the strength and knowledge of the heavens for the darkness that is coming.” He spread his hands again. “Remember, where there is darkness…” His voice lowered to a whisper. “There is also great light.”

The dream ended.

Stephanie woke up sobbing against Cassius, he held her while his mother returned from her own sleep.

In one final gift, Sariel’s human was given immortality.

So he would never see her age.

But they were to never lie together again.

Or he’d be cursed to roam the earth for an eternity.


WE SAID GOODBYE TO my mother. I knew I’d see her soon, I did always try to visit at least once a month. She always claimed she wasn’t lonely, that she had plenty going on in their small town to keep her company.

But, I knew the truth.

The day I was born, her world had changed forever.