“Is that the human side speaking? The one who never loses hope?”

I smiled as a comforting warmth spread through my chest. “Yes, I think it is.”

“I like it.”

“Sometimes… hope is all we have.” I frowned as I said it. “And even if we had knowledge of the future, would we truly do anything differently? I should like to think so, but knowing humanity as I do, they would still squander each and every moment, unable to fully grasp the realization that each second that ticks by is another gift that they have been given, a gift given only because of great sacrifice by not only their ancestors, but ours.”

“Twelve hours of sleep turned you into a philosopher, I think,” Stephanie mused, brushing my dark hair away with the back of her hand. Her ice cold fingertips cooled my forehead. I kept them there and closed my eyes as her hand shook.

“Your dream…” she started, while I tried to keep my breathing even. “Did you mean it?”

“Which part?”

Her eyes searched mine. “If you were allowed to love me—would you?”

I opened my mouth just as the door burst open. Ethan made his way inside took in our comfortable state and shook his head.

“I don’t have time to address whatever the hell this is.” He pointed to us, “Because it seems like our little pet in the dungeon won’t stop screeching until he sees you.” Ethan sighed, his eyes flashing with irritation. “He’s chained, he can’t hurt you in your current state, it’s probably best to see what you can get out of him.”

“Come with me.” I stood as dizziness took over and a growing hunger made its presence known. “Damn it, I need food first.”

Ethan smirked. “I don’t envy your human appetite.”

“You eat blood,” I fired back. “I don’t envy yours!”

“Blood tastes like…” His eyes flashed green.

“Easy.” Stephanie raised her hand. “No need to orgasm in the middle of the room.”

Ethan scoffed. “Hardly.”

Stephanie quickly put on a pair of boots and a sweatshirt and turned toward me. “Should you, er, put on clothes?”

“Clothes?” I frowned then looked down.

Completely naked. I’d stripped the human body bare of any stitch of clothing.

“Why the hell didn’t anyone say anything?” I roared grabbing at my clothes with numb as hell hands and jerking them on.

Ethan held up his hands. “I thought you knew.”

Stephanie burst out laughing. “I assumed you knew since you’re the one who stripped yourself.”

“I did?”

She nodded. “The minute you woke up from your dream you were burning up…”

Frowning, I felt my own forehead, not that it would do any good. In fact, I still felt hot. So damn hot.

Maybe the dizziness was coming from the heat?

Ethan was at my side in a flash, gripping my arm, still as a statue, within seconds he pulled back. “Your blood.” He frowned. “It’s hot.”

“Are you saying…” I couldn’t even utter it. “That I have a fever?”

“I’m saying you’re sick.” Ethan nodded. “Yes.”

“Damn it!” I kicked my foot against the floor. “One body! What the hell do humans do all the day? Walk around in bubble wrap?”