“Is that allowed?” I teased back.

“I make the rules.” He tugged my body against his, he was so big… everywhere, that it was overwhelming to all my senses. Even then I’d been powerless, so powerless.

“Good.” He chuckled wickedly. “You can try to fight me… but you’ll give in… in the end, they always do.”

The thought that he’d been with others pissed me off. I pushed him off and spat. “Don’t you have a human to chase?”

“Why chase a human? When I’ve tasted you?”

“Why taste me when you can have her?” I countered.

His mouth snapped shut.

Fresh pain washed over me as the vision shattered again.

And I was back in my room.

And Cassius—was awake.

“What did I tell you?” He tried to get up, but was still too weak. After three tries he lay back down and cursed. “You cannot simply invade my thoughts while I sleep. It isn’t fair.” I invaded his sleep? “And before you try again, remember you can only do it once within a REM cycle, and I’m very much awake thanks to your erotic musings.”

“Erotic musings?” I repeated, crossing my arms. “I wasn’t the one going all Viking or caveman!”

Cassius frowned. “I am neither of those things and I don’t appreciate being called a Neanderthal.”

“It’s a figure of speech! You know, cavemen, who pulled woman by the hair and had sex with them.”

Cassius face blanched, and he looked absolutely appalled. “I’ll have you know my favorite human was a man who lived in a cave!”

“Of course! Because you’re older than dirt!”

“Another untruth!” Cassius fired back. “Dirt has been around for at least a millennium longer than I!”

I groaned. “You’re giving me a headache.”

“It’s the Angel blood, not me.” He sniffed the air. “Damn it, I cannot smell anymore, at least not how I could before. You’re too new to dream walk. I’d suggest against it, but you’re like a child with a new toy.”

“Am not.”

“Are too!” he argued.

r /> I burst out laughing. “Now who’s acting immature?”

He glared. “Still you.”

Sighing, I sat down on the bed. “I’m sorry for…” I waved my hand over him. “That.”

He looked down. “Oh, a simple chemical reaction to your kiss.”

“Huh?” I looked where he was looking and then nearly burst into flames. “Um….”

He was still staring. “Though it’s quite large? Is that normal for a human?”

Still blushing, I looked away. “How would I know?”

“You’re a woman.”
