Or my own father helping her do it.

I wiped my face with my hands and shuddered out a breath. Something wasn’t right. Then again, how would I know? My IQ had dropped since the Angel blood was no longer coursing through my veins.

The only thing I could do was ask Stephanie for some of hers.

But I figured that was the stupidest idea I’d ever conjured up considering I had to win her affection by being human.

I groaned in frustration and lay back against the fluffy mattress, head pounding, I had twenty-eight days left and I was pretty sure I was actually getting worse as time progressed.

“Hey, there.” Stephanie walked into the room. I didn’t get up. Didn’t look at her, just stared at the ceiling above and wondered for the tenth time that evening what the hell I’d been thinking, trying to save us both, trying to love her when I clearly didn’t even understand how.

“Hi,” I grumbled.

“Wow, someone’s happy.”

“It hurts.” I rose up on my elbows and glared. “This ridiculous body hurts.”

“You’re human, aches and pains are part of it, I’m afraid.” She offered a tentative smile. “You could always take a pain killer.”

“Pills.” I spat the word out. “I’ve never needed help!”

“Maybe that’s why.”


Stephanie moved toward the bed and sat on the edge. “Maybe that’s part of this test. Maybe Sariel did this so you’d learn to rely on others.”

The idea had merit even if it was totally off base. “Maybe.”

“So,” Stephanie tapped her fingers against her thigh. “There’s a slight problem with something.”

My eyes narrowed. “You look nervous.”

“How soon do you think you can get this training thing down with me? I mean, how much can we push the limits before you think I’ll be ready to face things on my own?”

Face things? She wanted to do it without me? “I don’t understand. What would you possibly have to face?”

“Demons.” She swallowed. “Say an extra sixty shiny new ones with pointy horns and uncontrollable appetites.”

Every muscle in my achy body tensed. “What the hell? Please tell me that’s your idea of a joke.”

“Afraid not.” Stephanie pushed away from the bed and walked toward the window hugging her body. “According to Ethan, the numbers reported to us don’t match. They’ve been creating.”

“That’s forbidden!” I yelled, jumping off the bed, ready to march down to their headquarters and light them all on fire. “They know this, they wouldn’t dare. Ever since Pompeii the rules have been—”

“I know the rules.?

?? Stephanie arched an eyebrow. “They dared all right, they dared at least sixty times without calling a human number, meaning they’re picking off randoms wherever they can find them.”

My headache flared to life. “I can’t do anything—not as a human.”

“I can.” Stephanie turned to face me. “Teach me what I need to know, and I can do it.”


“Please.” Her blue eyes flashed a brilliant white then dimmed and saddened as she glanced away from me and back out the window. “I have to help. I mean you said you’d help me learn what I am, right? You said you were here to help train me. So, what’s the problem?”

The problem? I forced my irritation inward. The damn problem was that if I spent all my days training her—and believe me it would take all day and all night—I wouldn’t have time to romance her. To win her over, to prove my love. After tonight I’d already decided to switch tactics. I needed to do better. Dedicate my every waking moment to winning her the way she deserved.