Ethan shook his head. “You’ve been that busy? Unable to even turn on a TV? Do an Internet search? You have more money than the very country you live in, and you can’t afford cable?”

Cassius walked away from me and sat at the head of the table. Funny that he’d take his usual seat. I guessed he was still our King even if he was a bit under the weather. “When would I have time? With the Vampires fighting, the Werewolves hiding, the Demons whining…”

“I’d like to know who’s doing your job while you’re…” Mason tilted his head, and his lips pulled into a sneer. “Indisposed.”

Cassius flashed his teeth.

I’m not sure what he was trying to accomplish considering the minute he poked the bear—or in this case Werewolf—Mason flashed his fangs. Then Ethan felt the need to flash his, followed by my brother nearly glowing. Was it wrong that their reactions at least made things feel more normal?

I sat down and crossed my arms. “Let’s all just agree that Cassius needs this much-needed break to train me and learn the wonder that is the internet… and iTunes.”

“Yes he needs this much-needed break because he needs to fulfill his basic human needs.” Alex said in a smug tone.

“I know what iTunes is.” Cassius glowered in my direction, immediately changing the subject.

I tilted my head. “Oh, yeah?”


“You’ll have to do better than that.”

“Songs that people…” He gulped. “Sing.”

Alex burst out laughing.

Cassius rolled his eyes and glanced out the window. The bird, the same damn bird appeared.

“Food!” He jumped out of his seat.

I quickly got to my feet and pushed him back down. “Sit.”


“Uh…?” Alex raised his hand. “Why is Cassius bird watching?”

“He’s watching because he wants to eat it,” I explained.

Mason placed a salad in front of Cassius.

You’d think he’d just asked Cassius to tend to the garden and eat raw tomatoes. “What’s this?”

“Salad.” I scooted the dressing toward him.

“It’s green.”

“Hey, at least you’ve got your eyesight,” Ethan remarked.

“But the bird?” Cassius pointed behind him, “Why aren’t we eating meat?”

Mason looked heavenward. “I must have done something seriously awful to be cursed with a Dark One who suddenly wants food. He’ll eat everything!”

“He’s starving!” I pointed at Cassius. “Come on, fix him something good Mason. Salads are for girls.”

Genesis laughed and reached across the table to grab Cassius’s plate, but he was busy poking the tomato with a fork or trying to.

“It’s like watching a baby learn how to walk. Come on Cassius, you can do it!” Alex clapped behind him.

And earned a fork in the thigh.