The bird chose to land on the tree closest to us.

Cassius tensed.

“When was the last time you ate?” I asked.



He licked his lips. “Dark Ones don’t need food we eat because food tastes delicious.”


p; “As a human,” I clarified.

He shrugged. “I haven’t.”

“No wonder you want to go all Elmer Fudd on his ass.”

“Elmer Fudd?” Cassius shook his head in confusion. “Is that a figure of speech for eating birds?”

“No.” I patted his shoulder. “It’s Bugs Bunny.”

“Bugs or bunny? They can’t be one in the same.”

“Maybe you do need to watch some TV with everyone—”

I managed to lead him away from the window, though he turned around twice. I may be stronger, but it was still awkward trying to push him down the stairway when he kept trying to turn around and make creepy eye contact with the feathered creature.

“Someone say TV?” Alex was leaning against the bottom part of the stairway, his naturally bright smile even more amused than normal. “And Bugs Bunny is a rabbit.”

Cassius shrugged. “Of course the bunny is a rabbit. I was confused about the bugs part.”

“It’s his name.”

“But he’s a rabbit—bunny.” Cassius argued.

“Humans name pets.”

“Funny.” Cassius smirked. “They name pets, I keep them as pets…”

“Still talking a big game for being one of them.” Alex grinned. “And sister.” He peered up at me with loving eyes. “I think the best thing for you right now would be to get Cassius caught up on pop culture.”

Cassius groaned. “I’m not stupid. I know about the Backstreet Boys.”

Alex burst out laughing. “Oh this may be my favorite moment—of my entire existence. Right up there with the time I watched Ethan take his first bite of pizza thinking the sauce was blood.”

A giant scowl formed on Ethan’s face, and he gripped the edge of the table where he was seated. “Well, if you hadn’t lied about it…”

“Best. Day. Ever.” Alex winked.

Genesis finished setting the table by folding white napkins beneath the forks; it was cute that she did it, even though the only people who ate were her and sometimes Mason.

At least now Cassius could join the ranks.

“Sorry, Cassius.” Mason tossed a plate at Genesis, she caught it midair and placed it at the head of the table. “Backstreet Boys aren’t really the in thing anymore.”

“Fine.” Cassius rolled his eyes. “I’ll just go to the store and grab a few CD’s and why is everyone looking at me like I’ve lost my mind?”