I gulped.

“Weak.” Cassius whispered the word. “I had forgotten how weak humans were.”

“Are,” I interjected without thinking.

His nostrils flared, “My apologies. Are. Present tense.”

“Grammar lessons?” Mason waltzed into the kitchen and pulled out a chair; it scratched across the floor loud enough to make my ears hurt. “So Cassius, feeling… all right?”

Cassius rolled his eyes. “Just come out and ask it, Wolf.”

“You look funny.”

Cassius snorted out a laugh. “That all you got?”

“Smells funny too.” Ethan joined in from behind me.

“And let’s not forget.” Alex patted Cassius on the shoulder. “Your eyes aren’t freaky anymore.”

“I was never freaky,” Cassius defended looking completely insulted as he crossed his bulky arms over his chest. Pieces of his dark hair fell to his sharp chin.

“You were,” everyone except me said in unison.

Cassius briefly glanced down at the table then back out the window. I sat next to him, not really knowing if it was my place to offer him comfort or just wait for everyone to finally pry out of him what the heck had happened.

“So.” Ethan spoke after a few minutes. “Now that we’re in the safety of the house, mind filling us in?”

Cassius gazed at me out of the corner of his eye, his jaw was set in a firm line almost like he didn’t want me to be there.

“It’s a… test of sorts,” he finally said. “From Sariel.”

Mason grumbled “bastard” under his breath as he walked over to the island and started pulling out pots and pans. He’d turned into one of those people who stress cooked even if he didn’t eat what he cooked—which was fine considering Genesis was still human and now that she was pregnant really needed food. The guy could probably compete on MasterChef and win by a landslide. Ever since Genesis had moved in, it seemed all he did was watch the cooking channel and go grocery shopping.

Odd behavior for a species known for ripping humans’ throats out.

“A test,” Ethan repeated. “Care to elaborate or is that all we’re going to get?”

Cassius was silent.

Of course.

No emotion. It pissed me off. At least being human I expected him to do something, react somehow, at least the way he had in the car, but now it was like staring at a stone wall.

“It involves Stephanie.” He said my name like a curse. I recoiled slightly into myself, nobody seemed to notice how his words affected me, how they made me want to flinch and scream all at the same time. Instead, I plastered an indifferent look on my face and waited. “I’m to… help her.”

“Help her what?” Ethan’s voice was laced with dread.

“Find herself?” Cassius said it as more of a question.

“Is she lost?” Alex piped up.

“She was at Starbucks staring at couples, let’s not forget that,” Mason called out from the kitchen, while my face flushed with heat. “And she’s been moody.”

“She’s right here,” I hissed.

“Her powers…” Cassius shrugged. “She’s unstable, dangerous. I’m here to help her but I need to be human in order to do that.”

“Why?” I blurted out.