She welcomed me into her body.

But didn't move.

I let out a frustrated growl and gripped her hips. "You think to tease me?"

"I was told never to tease a vampire."

A mixture of laughter and ecstasy left my lips as our bodies began to move.

"No bite this time?" she asked.

"Sometimes," I growled, thrusting hard, then pulling out, "faster is better."




But I was without shirt, considering Ethan had ripped mine to shreds. So he handed me his while he walked into the house sporting a pair of jeans and a really big smile.

"Ethan." Alex was in the kitchen drinking wine and reading. "Is today no-shirt day? Should I remove mine as well?"

He reached for the edges of it but earned a growl from Ethan.

Mason was sitting in front of a bowl of berries; his hand paused midair as he looked between the two of us. "Damn, Ethan, at least feed her every once in a while."

"He's very concerned with food, always concerned with food." Alex nodded. "Hurry up, Mason, your berries are drying out."

A berry went flying by Alex's head.

I didn't notice Stephanie in the corner; she wasn't normally so quiet. When her eyes met mine, they lit up. "Hey, how about shopping tomorrow? Before your fun little human job?"

She looked like she'd been crying. "Are you okay?"

"She's fine," Alex snapped, his good humor completely gone. The room turned tense in an instant. He cleared his throat and forced a smile. "Sirens, very emotional."

Stephanie smiled. "Very."

"Ethan, a word?" Alex stood.

"Sure." Ethan kissed the top of my head and left the room while Mason started rummaging around the kitchen; pots and pans clanged together, and then he pulled out a giant piece of steak.

"I hope that's not for me." I pointed.

"Protein…" He threw the steak into the pan. "…feeds the blood, which feeds the mate, which, in turn, feeds you."

"You gonna start singing Circle of Life?" I joked.

"Circle of life?" he repeated.

"Lion King?"

"Cassius is king."

I looked helplessly to Stephanie, who was trying to hide her smile behind her hand.

"Have you seriously never watched Lion King?"