"No," Genesis whispered. "But one day soon, he will. He touches all the human mates."

I scowled. "So he told you…"

"To test them."


"I'm going to pass."


"You don't believe me?" She pulled her hand away.

I sighed and focused on the road ahead of me. "I have no reason not to believe you."

Genesis let out a loud sigh. "Do you think the only reason you love me is because I'm related to Ara?"

"No." The entire idea was ridiculous. "Not only was she horribly selfish — something I've finally come to terms with — but you're nothing like her. Besides, you don't stop and stare at yourself every time you see your own damn reflection."

"Thanks to my mother," Genesis mumbled.

"That's it." I pulled the car over, forced it into park, and reached for Genesis. With a growl, I tugged her body across the console and into my lap. "She did you no favors. That woman was no mother to you. A weaker female would have crippled beneath that type of emotional scarring. I should have killed her for what she put you through."

Genesis's eyes pooled with tears.

I cupped her chin. "Beautiful inside and out — the last thing you need to be is afraid of your own beauty. Embrace it, but don't let it overtake all sense of reality. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are pure. Those are simple facts. Outside of that, nothing else matters other than the way I feel about you."

"If being beautiful means I turn into Ara, I'd rather be ugly."

"You could never turn into her." I pressed an urgent kiss to her mouth. "You're… you."

Genesis returned my kiss, biting down on my lips.

I flicked her tongue with mine then deepened the kiss. "Home."


"Yes," I growled, rubbing my body against her. "Now."

She let out a little gasp.

"Or here." I tugged her shirt over her shoulder, kissing the bare skin. "Vampires can be very… creative."

"Show me." Her eyes burned bright green.

I ripped the rest of her T-shirt with my teeth. "Never… challenge me."

Frenzied hands reached for my jeans while I reached for hers, both of us colliding with one another as we tried to peel clothing away.

Layer after layer went flying.

And then she was naked, straddling me.

"Mmm…" I took her fingers between my teeth. "…I've never tasted anything so incredible."

"My hands?"

"Your skin." I chuckled then placed myself near her entrance. "You know… we could always wait until we get home and—"