"Don't believe everything you read. Besides, I'm not the least bit hungry." He winked and took the next exit toward Lake Washington.

"So…" He drove the car like a maniac. Turns weren't just turns. It was like he was jerking the car so hard the steering wheel was about to come off. "Tell me you believe me."

"Believe you?"

"About your purpose?"

"What is my purpose?" I asked. "I mean, sir, or… um…" Crap, I'd drawn a blank on how I was supposed to address him. He was above me; I needed to show him respect.

"Ethan." He sighed heavily. "Damn, do they brainwash you that much these days?"

"These days?"

"We haven't called a number up in fifty years." Ethan shook his head. "Pity that Cassius would do it now. Then again, after looking at you…" He licked his lips. "…I'd probably do the same damn thing."


"Home!" Ethan screeched the car to a halt in front of a gigantic, fenced-in mansion overlooking the lake. A few men stood outside the gates. When they magically swung open, Ethan sped inside then turned off the car. "Come on."

With no other option but to follow, I quickly got out of the car and followed him to the door.

Two men with the same-colored eyes but darker hair glanced from me to Ethan and back again.

The first spoke. "Apologies, my lord, but she… you cannot bring a breeder into the house! Not if you want to live through the night." He leaned forward and sniffed. "She's marked!"

"Stay out of it, Ben." Ethan gripped my hand and jerked me into the house.

"Breeder?" I repeated. "What did he mean by that?"

"Silence, human." Ethan continued pulling me through the house until finally stopping in a gourmet kitchen. "I don't know what to do with you yet. I don't suppose you'll take kindly to the doghouse out back or the nice water bowl with the name Scratch on it?"

My mouth dropped open. "A dog? You're going to treat me like your dog?"

"Joke." He smirked. "But good to know you're opposed to sleeping outside."

My knees threatened to give out. He must have noticed; in an instant I was in his arms being carried to the nearest chair.

"Humans," he whispered into my hair. "So fragile."

It didn't register I was in a vampire's arms. In fact, nothing was registering. Nothing was making sense, and I wasn't sure if I was even allowed to ask questions. It wasn't my place. My mom had made that clear.

I was terrified of doing the wrong thing — and suffering for it.

The room felt warm again. Warm and familiar. I looked up just as Stephanie and Alex rushed in the room.

"Your scent is all over the thing." Alex shook his head. "It's not enough."

Ethan hissed. "I've had her for fifteen minutes. He freaking marked her. What do you expect me to do?"

"Try harder," Alex clipped then turned his cold blue eyes toward me. "Sorry, little one, but this day's going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better."

"I'll do it," a third gruff voice said.

"Mason…" Ethan nodded. "…do your worst."

Mason grunted then held out his hand to me.

I didn't take it.