
HE SLEPT FOR HOURS. I STAYED. A part of me wanted to leave, but he was right. After ten minutes, I'd calmed down enough to think about the situation logically, not that I still wasn't terrified he'd end up killing me. I no longer felt safe, but I didn't feel like Ethan was a threat.

I'd used his fangs to drop blood into his mouth, hoping it would have the same effect, since he was going to sleep. I wasn't sure if it would help him understand me better, but if it was a night for sharing, maybe he could at least pull information from my past.

I wasn't confident it would be helpful. He'd probably be bored out of his mind, but it was worth a try.

Two hours after giving him my blood, he jolted awake, nearly sending me off the bed in fear.

"Ara," he yelled.

I flinched. "Ethan? You were dreaming. It's okay." Clearly, my blood hadn't worked.

He turned, his eyes predatory. "Tell me you didn't know."

"Know what?" I brought my knees to my chest. "What are you talking about?"

"She's from your bloodline."



"The mate you killed?"

He growled.

"I—" Tears welled in my eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Her picture." His eyes went black. "I saw a picture. It was old — it was her."

"You have to believe me." I held up my hands. "I would never lie."

Ethan shook his head; dark circles appeared under his eyes. "Sorry…" He trembled. "I'm still exhausted. It was a shock. We need to visit your mother."

"She hates me."

"Shall I kill her for you? Once I've gained the information I need?"

"No," I blurted.

Ethan sighed against my neck. "Just give me the word if you change your mind. The woman's insane."


"No. Your mother."

"I hope it doesn't run in the family."

"Your blood is pure." Ethan kissed my neck. "Believe that truth, and you'll be fine."

"Is that—" Insecurity wrapped itself around me. "Is that why you wanted to mate with me? Because I remind you of her?"

"No!" Ethan pounced on me, his eyes so black that I was afraid if I stared too long I'd fall into their depths and never come back to reality. "You're different — you feel different."

"Different," I repeated.