"It's already been done." Cassius turned and pointed his hand at Ara. "Is this the daughter of a vampire?"

She trembled beneath the blankets then burst out laughing. "No, no, you know whose daughter she is."

Ethan paled. "Ara? My love?"

"He promised me immortality." Ara pointed at Cassius. "So give it! I birthed a daughter! The daughter of a Dark One! I will be queen!"

Her laughter hit a point where I needed to cover my ears.

"Cassius?" Ethan whispered. "Tell me you did not do this. Tell me, brother, that you did not—"

"She was tested. She failed," Cassius said simply, grabbing the child. "Now finish it."

"Cassius!" Ethan roared.

Ara continued to laugh. "I'm going to be queen. Finally, Ethan. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I was afraid you'd be angry. You know I love you, yes?"

Ethan's eyes turned black; the entire room shook.

"You bitch!" He clenched his fists so hard blood began trickling from his palms. And then, in an instant, he was on top of her.

One bite.

She struggled for two seconds.

Before I felt her life-force leave the room.

"It's done." Ethan swore, falling to his knees, blood dripping down his face.

"She would have died regardless," Cassius answered.

"My daughter."

"She's not your daughter, brother."

Ethan's eyes flashed. "Give me my child!"

"One day," Cassius started to fade into the darkness, "you'll thank me."

"One day… I will kill you."

Cassius disappeared from the room with the newborn, his voice a mere whisper. "You can't."

I woke up gasping for air.

I was lying in bed. Ethan was a statue next to me.

"Y-you killed her!"

Tears streamed down my face. I hated him. Hated us. I couldn't explain it, but the anger he'd felt — I felt; the shame — it was mine. I tasted revenge on my tongue. I wanted to scratch his eyes out, yet scratch my own out bec

ause it was like I was the one who had committed murder.

The darkness consumed me.

"Ten minutes," Ethan whispered.
