And my heart picked up speed as Ethan's gaze devoured me.

"We'll take these." He set them on the table, his smile indulgent. "It seems my human likes to… study."

Drystan gave nothing away as he scanned the books, took Ethan's change, and handed him the bag.

"See you tomorrow, Genesis."

I waved with my free hand while Ethan placed a death grip on my other. Yeah, things were about to get embarrassing really fast.

The minute we were outside, he pushed me into the car.

The silence was thick. Tense.

"So," Ethan spoke in a gravelly voice, "'Three Hundred and Sixty-five Positions for Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Days.'"

My body flamed.

"And what was the other?" He scratched his head. "'Kama Sutra for the Advanced'?"

I banged my head against the car's window. "In my defense, I was distracted."

"Mmm, care to share what had you so distracted?"


"I feel very much distracted," Ethan mused. "In fact, I may need you to distract me from the distractions."

My heart picked up speed. "Oh?"


He said it like a mere whisper, but I felt it in my chest. I felt the yes everywhere. I gripped the leather seat with my hands to keep from reaching for him.

"Work," I blurted. "You said you'd show me what you do."

"I'm not thinking about work right now."

I trembled.

"Care to know my fixation?"

I turned, slowly making eye contact with him. "Books?"

"Genesis." He said my name like a vow.

I reached for him at the same time he reached for me. Our mouths collided; warmth spread from my chest down to my toes as he lifted me from my seat.

And then a sudden chill filled the air.

Abruptly, he let me go and cursed. "He's close. Let's go."

Freaked out, I buckled my seatbelt and almost hit my head on the dash as Ethan peeled out of the parking spot. When I glanced at the rearview mirror, it was to see Cassius standing on the curb, blowing an ice-filled kiss in my direction.

"Fish," I repeated in disbelief. "That's your job?"

"What?" Ethan shrugged.

After our almost-run-in with Cassius, Ethan had decided it was best to confuse the Dark One and get my scent all over Seattle.