Mason glanced over my shoulder, his eyes drawn to the hallway. "Ethan's irritated with me for keeping you so long. Two more bites then go back down the hall, first door on your left."


"Two bites." Mason held up two fingers. "And then you get to go to school with a vampire."

I felt myself blush again because all I could think about was Ethan, in all his sexiness, trying to teach me something — anything — in that deep seductive voice of his. Yeah, it was going to be a really long day.



I PACED IN THE STUDY LIKE SOMEONE who'd just drunk an entire pot of coffee and needed to work it out of his system.

All I tasted was her.

Her blood was still on my tongue — on my lips — and her memories, the ones that came with her blood — the ones that came at the price of me sharing my own — were so horrific I'd checked my watch at least five times to see if I'd make it across town and back without her knowing.

I wanted to murder her mother.

And the rest of the humans she'd been studying with.

Yes, secrecy was necessary, but to force the humans to think so little about themselves — especially Genesis — was c


She was nearing. I could smell her.

Two footsteps and she'd be in the room.

And I'd probably lose my mind with the madness that always came with her scent.

"Nice study." Her voice was husky, dripping with seduction without even trying.

I broke the pencil in my hand and dropped it to the ground, turning on my heel, knowing that just staring at her would cause my heart to pound.

"Thank you." I managed the words between my lips, but they sounded more like a hiss — or possibly a choked whisper.

She pointed at one of the chairs. "Are we sitting?"

The damn chair taunted me. What I wouldn't do to have a king-sized bed in that room I could toss her onto.

I coughed into my hand. "Yes, the chair is fine."

Genesis tucked her golden hair behind her ears and sat, folding her arms across her chest. "So, school's in session?"

And you've been a very bad, bad, girl.

I groaned and turned back around, focusing on the dusty textbooks lining the walls. "Yes… why don't we start with what you know. Or at least what you've been learning up until now."

She took a deep breath.

I waited.

Still not turning back to face her because I was having a hell of a time keeping my body under control.

"I'm ugly."

Not what I expected.