
Flushed cheeks, red lips, gold hair.

I let out a groan, gaining everyone's attention, hers included. "Er, sorry… coffee got caught in my throat."

"You weren't drinking coffee," Alex pointed out.

"So…" Stephanie held out her hands to Genesis. "The jeans fit? I'm so glad. We'll go shopping later this week for more clothes, so you don't have to keep borrowing my stuff."

She looked perfect.

In jeans and a T-shirt.

My mouth watered the longer I stared.

Mason coughed.

I continued staring.

"Hungry?" Mason moved around the kitchen; pots started banging together. Genesis’s eyes locked onto mine.

I smiled.

She blushed harder.

One. Small. Lick.

I moved closer, only to be intercepted by Mason. "Let her at least eat before you… do anything."

I shook myse

lf out of my stupor and gave a firm nod. "Food, right. Eggs?"

Genesis flashed me a smile then turned her attention to Mason. "Eggs would be great, but I can cook."

"Nope." Mason shook his head fiercely. "A woman's place is not the kitchen."

"Really?" Genesis looked dumbfounded.

"Course not," Alex joined in cheerfully. "It's the bedroom."

I groaned.

Genesis let out a small laugh and shook her head. At least she could pick up on when they were joking and didn't stomp back up the stairs in frustration at our backward ways.

Mason cooked while Alex stole every single ounce of Genesis's attention. Stephanie shared a pitiful look with me. Right, something's wrong in the world when a female siren feels sorry for a vampire.

I cleared my throat.

Genesis looked up.

"Would you like to take a tour of the house while Mason finishes up?"


I held out my hand.

"Careful." Alex stood and placed his hands on her shoulders. "If he gets you alone, you may not get breakfast…"