He was gorgeous.

Light green eyes glowed in my direction, beamed and twinkled with each blink, almost like I was staring at stars. His skin was smooth and light. Dark brown hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, and he had a leather bomber jacket on.

He was the epitome of every girl's fantasy come to life.

I quickly averted my eyes, aware I was blatantly staring at him.

"What?" His warm chuckle made my body tingle. "Are you afraid to look at me, human?"

"No." I found my voice, "Not at all." Slowly I lifted my gaze to his and waited.

His smile was blinding. "Good, that's good, as we'll be spending many hours together in the near future." His smile suddenly dropped as if the idea saddened him, or maybe just made him want to kill me and get it over with.

Yeah, that was what I was afraid of.

Maybe I was better off with the werewolf.

Or the siren.

"Enough." A booming voice sounded throughout the room, shaking me out of my stare-down with the man. Only vampires had green eyes, so I imagined that was what he was, though he looked nothing like I imagined a vampire would look.

I glanced around for the location of the voice but saw nothing.

The smile froze on the vampire's face. He shared a look with the others and leaned back in his chair, while the other three seemed to stiffen in theirs, as if they were afraid. What could they possibly have to fear? They were immortal.

I looked around the room again. The lights flickered.

That couldn't be a good sign.

Up until now, I'd had no idea what immortals I'd be meeting with, and I wracked my brain trying to think of who else would be there — who else I should be afraid of… when suddenly the room went black.

It was only three seconds.

But it was enough for my brain and survival instincts to kick in.

I had to force my feet to stay planted.

I had to force the scream to stay in my throat.

And when I felt a hand reach out and touch my shoulder, the pain I felt at that touch was so life-altering that I fell to my knees, my body giving out.

"That's better," the voice said. "Don't you know you are to kneel in front of those you serve?"

"S-sorry," I said through clenched teeth. "It won't happen again."

"No," he said, "it won't. Because if it does, you'll be dead. Understand?"


The ice from his touch wouldn't let up; it continued to flow through my body like he was trying to freeze every vein I had.

The lights flickered again, and then he was standing in front of me.

All seven feet of him.

It hurt to stare.

But not as much as it would have if I hadn't — I, at least, had paid attention to that part of my studies. To look away was like experiencing the greatest pain imaginable because, as a human, I was drawn to his beauty, drawn to his essence in a way that had been programmed since the beginning of time.