I laughed and pointed to the meat. "Maybe you should try to be more human."

"She has a point." Ethan pulled me into his lap. "It may help things along."

"Things?" Alex squinted. "What things?"

Cassius growled.

Alex's eyes narrowed. "Oh no. Hell, no."

Mason chuckled. "So, we get more steak."

"Am I the only one who thinks this is a really bad idea?" Alex shouted.

"What idea?" I played dumb, knowing exactly what was going to happen. Cassius was going to pursue Stephanie… as he should.

"I'll murder you," Alex said in a low voice.

"Any more fears, Alex?" Cassius taunted.


"King." His eyes flashed. "And don't you forget it."



THE MINUTE I'D DISCOVERED SHE WAS pregnant, it was like I'd ceased to exist, and every thought focused on the tiny life growing inside of her.

I couldn't stop staring at her all throughout dinner. I didn't want to eat food. I wanted to taste her — taste and make sure the baby was healthy — and force my own blood down her throat even if I had to trick her. It would make the baby grow faster.

And I'd feel a hell of a lot better about protecting both their lives.

"Stop fidgeting," Alex said to my left. "You're worse than a woman."

"Don't call me a woman," I snarled, trying to pay attention to the card game, while Genesis and Mason attempted to bake a cake.

She wanted chocolate.

He had some extra berries for the toppings.

And now they deemed themselves professionals. Pans went flying, and I knew it was only a matter of time before my gourmet kitchen was going to have dings all over it from both Mason's inability to do anything gentle and Genesis's newfound strength.

A knife had impaled itself into Alex's thigh when she was cutting vegetables. Don't ask me how. One minute it had been in her hand; the next minute it had gone flying. Naturally, I'd gotten out of the way.

Alex, however, had been too busy daydreaming.

He'd bled for mere seconds before he healed.

But he was still irritated.

It was torture — waiting for the cake to bake. Waiting for everyone to stop talking.

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Finally, Cassius cleared his throat and whispered something in Genesis's ear before giving me a fleeting look and walking out of the room.

She jumped to her feet, reached for my hand, and the next thing I knew, she was pulling me up the stairs toward our bedroom.