
I GRABBED STEPHANIE BY THE ARM and gently led her into the room where Cassius was sleeping — resting — hopefully healing.

The minute we stepped inside the door, I could see my breath leave my lips. Frost lined his body; his lips were completely blue.

He shuddered in his sleep, reaching his hand up to the ceiling only to drop it down again by his side.

"What's wrong with him?" A tear froze on Stephanie's pale cheek.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair. "I have no idea."

"You mean, he's never been like this before? In all the years you've known him?" Her eyes were accusing. Then again, she was scared for him — she loved him.

"Just how old do you think I am?" I fired back. "And no." I released her hand. "I've never seen him like this. I can hear his heart… it's slow."

She slowly made her way to his side and reached for his hand. The minute she touched him, the temperature in the room rose a few degrees, I could taste it on my tongue, taste the heat of life building, boiling inside him.

"I can't explain it." Her eyes locked on him. I imagined she couldn't look away even if she wanted to. "The pull he has on me. Like I've known him my whole life — like I've waited for him—" She hung her head. "Or maybe like he's been waiting for me. It's stupid." Her laugh was hollow. "I know it's stupid, but I can't help it."

"Stephanie…" I took a seat across from her. "It's not stupid… because a very long time ago… there was an innocent little girl caught in the middle of a war that should have never been started. He saved her life and, in return, hid her true identity from herself."


The easiest way was to show her, so I bit into my wrist and held the blood to her lips. "Drink and see."

"I've never drunk vampire blood."

"Yes, well, this is a day of firsts." I rolled my eyes. "Just know it's going to burn going down, always does for your kind."


My throat was thick with emotion. "No. Dark Ones."

Her mouth dropped open. I took advantage and shoved what I could of my wrist past her lips. The minute the blood entered her body, her head fell back, eyes white, mouth open.

I closed my own eyes and focused in on the exact memory I needed to pull.

Cassius in the Orchard with Stephanie.

Stephanie and Alex.

Him wiping her memories.

And finally, her waving goodbye.

It broke my heart all over again to feel his sadness — to experience his loss as if it was my own.

With a gasp, Stephanie opened her eyes and stared at Cassius. "He saved my life."

"He did."

"He…" Tears streamed down her cheeks. "He promised I would never forget him." Her lips trembled. "He lied."

"He had to protect you — at all costs. Dark Ones are no longer made, Stephanie. You know that. He's one of the oldest, one of ten who were allowed to live."

"But I'm alive," she whispered, touching her fingertips

to her mouth. "I should be dead."