"What about yours?" I asked. "What if I spilled your blood?"

Sariel's eyebrows shot up. "Interesting. You'd spill my blood to save them?"


"Impossible. But brave."

"A girl has to try."

He held out the purple feather. "Take it and make your choice."

My hands shook as I took the feather between my fingertips. How could something so soft be so deadly? The tip was pointed, like a knife.

"I love you." My eyes filled with tears as I looked up to Ethan. "You know that. You hear my heart."

"Genesis…" His eyes flashed. "Whatever you're thinking — don't. I can't live without you, but you can live without me." His voice cracked. "Cassius will take care of you, Alex, Mason…" His eyes pleaded with mine as a red and blue tear slipped down his cheek. "I'll always be with you." His hands reached out toward the feather, but Cassius moved him out of the way.

"I was the one who did wrong," he said in a strong voice. "I deserve punishment." His face cracked into a smile. "And I cannot love." His nostrils flared. "Even if I want to."

"But you did," I argued.

"In the past." Cassius eyes turned black. "And now I feel nothing."

"Lie." My voice was hoarse.

His breath hitched as he reached for the feather, his fingertips grazing the edges of it. "Genesis, stay with your mate."

Sariel hissed out a breath next to me.

"Sometimes it's best," I held the feather out. "To love for a moment than to never experience it."

"Genesis!" Ethan moved toward me just as Cassius reached for the stem of the feather.

I stumbled backward.

And pointed the edge directly into my own chest.

"No!" Ethan roared.

Sariel turned his back to both men, covering me with his wings as I fell slowly back, my heartbeat slowing in my chest until I didn't feel a beat anymore.

Sariel's face broke out into a smile as his wings blanketed my fall to the ground. His forehead touched mine, and with a brief touch of his mouth against mine, he whispered, "Fear is not welcome here."

"Not afraid," I choked out.

"I know." His eyes blazed white. "There is no greater sacrifice than laying down one's life for the life of a friend."

The room flashed white.

And I knew I was dead.




My body screamed and a part of my soul, perhaps the last piece I actually possessed, went dead in my chest as the sound of her heart slowing brought me to my knees.