Cassius grinned and grabbed her, setting her on her feet. "Remember to take your medicine."

She crossed her arms. "It tastes funny."

"I know," Cassius said in a low voice. "But it won't always be this way."

"Promise." Her eyes filled with tears, the blue flashing with such ferocity that it turned white.

"Promise," he echoed.

The scene changed.

The girl looked to be around twelve. The apple orchard was the same, only this time it was fall. Leaves were scattered around the grass, and she was reading a book.

"Boo…" Cassius stepped around the tree. "I've come to say goodbye."

"No!" The girl threw her book onto the ground. "Why? Why would you leave me?"

Agony crossed over Cassius's face. "You hardly see me as it is."

The girl hung her head. "It's my favorite part of the year. When you visit."

Cassius sank to his knees so he was at eye-level. "It's for the best. Besides, you have a brother to take care of."

"Yeah." She wiped her nose with her sleeve. "He's cocky though."

"Heard that," a voice said from behind the tree.

Alex stepped into view and shared a serious look with Cassius.

"Please don't go." The girl wrapped her arms around Cassius's neck. "I'll miss you. You belong to me."

"I don't." Cassius choked out the words. "Now, run along and help your mother with dinner while I talk with your brother."

"Will I forget you?"

"No," Cassius whispered.

"You'll come back? One day?"


Satisfied, she ran off, leaving Cassius with Alex.

"You lied," Alex said, leaning against the tree.

"It's best this way." Cassius waved his hand into the air.

The girl staggered forward, scratched her head, and then kept running toward the house.

"The memories are removed. Just make sure she continues to donate blood and keep the glamour on her at all costs."

Alex shook his head. "I swear they'll never discover her true identity. On my life."

"Good." Cassius nodded. "That's good."

"Are you alright?"

"Of course!" Cassius pulled the hood over his head, covering his dark hair and white features, a pure giveaway to any of the townsfolk of what he was, what he was capable of. "Run along, Alex."