Ethan kicked him in the chest, causing a snarl to erupt between Aziel's lips. "If I were whole, I'd rip you limb from limb — then again, I've already taken everything from you. Do you know…" He stood to his full height, which I hadn't noticed until now, matched Sariel's. "She gave me her body — her very soul — before you killed her."

Ethan shook in my arms, his fangs grazing my neck.

"And when I took her over and over again," Aziel laughed, "I promised her I'd make her immortal. If she did one tiny, little thing for me."

"Ethan, don't listen to him." I gripped the sides of his face. "Focus on me."

"Birth me a son," Aziel yelled. "And you know what that bitch did?"

Sariel had Cassius by the throat. With a growl, he punched Sariel in the

chest, sending the angel soaring through the air again. "No!"

He was running toward us.

My mind wasn't putting the pieces together fast enough.

Aziel leaned down and whispered in Ethan's ear. "She gave me a daughter."

Cassius fell to his knees.

Sariel walked around him, pulling a long sharp feather from his wings. "One should never have to kill his own offspring."

"Cassius! Behind you!" I yelled.

Cassius hung his head like he wanted to die.

In a flash, Ethan's fangs were in Aziel's neck. He hunched over him, blue blood dripping from his fangs as he completely drained the angel.

When he stood, his eyes were white just like Cassius's. In two strides, he had Cassius by the neck and tossed him against the wall.

A crack ran from the bottom to the top of the ceiling as plaster fell from overhead.

"This is my favorite part," Sariel sang, removing himself from the fight between Cassius and Ethan and coming to my side. "Where they are finally forced to finish what they started so long ago."

In my weakened state, I saw two of Sariel. I shook my head. "He can't die."

"Which one?" Sariel asked.

"Both." I forced the word out. "They'll kill each other."

"Ah, but balance must be restored."

"I don't understand," I whispered. "Ethan, stop!"

Cassius wasn't fighting anymore. It was like he wanted to die.

"Please!" I reached for Sariel, my fingers coming into contact with his soft velvet feathers. "Please."

"You know…" His eyes closed briefly. "That's the first time a human has dared touch me in… years."


"It was warm." He sighed. "I've been cold for a very long time."

The air in the room shifted, turning to ice.

Ethan growled, his fangs nearly dipping into Cassius's neck when Cassius finally punched him in the jaw and stumbled backward. "I couldn't do it!"