“Magic. And nerve endings. But mostly magic.” He holds my gaze as he hooks his thumbs into the sides of my panties. “Is this okay? Can I take these off?”

“Yes, please,” I breathe, as he draws my panties slowly down my legs before guiding my thighs farther apart.

I guess I should feel embarrassed—no one’s ever seen me like this, so open and exposed—but I don’t. I feel alive. Electric. And so beautiful I don’t worry for a second that Ian doesn’t like what he sees. The hungry expression on his face as he presses a kiss to the side of my knee is all the confirmation I need that he’s enjoying this as much as I am.

Well, maybe nearly as much.

“Are you about to do what I think you’re going to do?” I ask.

“Devour your pussy until you come all over my face?” he asks, his thumbs digging lightly into my thighs in a way that makes the electric, lightning-filled feeling inside of me crackle hotter. “Hell yes, I am.”

“Thank God, I was hoping—” My words end in a groan as he drags his tongue from my aching entrance to my clit. And then he starts to suck—drawing my clit into his mouth in deep rhythmic pulls—and the world explodes in a rainbow of colors and light and sensations so intense all I can do is arch into his mouth and pant for air.

And then he pushes two fingers inside me, summoning a ragged, hungry sound from deep in my soul. Before I’m aware that an orgasm is on the horizon, it crashes over me like a tsunami. My heels dig into the floor as pleasure sounds rip from my throat and Ian continues to suck and lick and moan against my skin like I’m the most delicious thing that’s ever happened to his mouth.

“Told you I wouldn’t have any trouble making you come,” he says, but I’m too high on pleasure to be bothered by his smug tone.

In fact, right now I’m finding that smugness hella hot, so sexy I’m ready to beg him to take me to his bed and finish what we started.

I can’t imagine waiting another second to be as close to him as two people can get. To be…his.

The request is on the tip of my tongue when a knock sounds on the front door and my brother’s voice calls out, “Ian? Can we talk?”

Ian’s head jerks up from between my thighs, a panicked expression on his face that I’m positive I’m mirroring right back at him.

Chapter 20


At the sound of my best friend’s voice, my mouth goes dry and a vision of my murdered corpse bleeding out on the carpet beside Evie’s gorgeous body flashes through my head.

Cursing softly, I call out, “Um, yeah, just a second.”

Derrick probably won’t literally kill me if he catches me with my head between his sister’s thighs, but I’d rather not tempt fate. Or my best friend’s notoriously short fuse.

“I can let myself in,” he calls through the door. “I have my key.”

“Okay, but just a second, I was um…” I tug on my t-shirt, shove our hangman pad under the couch, and reach for my jeans. “Asleep. I was asleep on the couch.”

“Asleep?” he replies, concern in his voice. “At eight o’clock? Are you okay?”

Evie snatches her dress, underthings, backpack, and shoes off the floor before she jumps to her feet. “The bedroom?” she hisses, clutching the collection as she points to the right side of the apartment.

“No, other side,” I whisper. I hook a thumb to the left. “I’ll get rid of him as fast as I can.”

With a frantic nod, she dashes barefoot and naked as the day she was born across the room and down the hall. And even though I can hear Derrick fitting his key into the lock and I’m still not wearing pants, I can’t help taking a moment to soak in the view.

Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

Sexy. Fun and playful. Everything I’ve ever wanted in a lover.

The thought sends an uncomfortable stabbing sensation through me, but there’s no time to analyze the feeling. Derrick is on his way in, giving me just enough time to button my jeans and collapse back onto the couch with a rush of breath before he’s closing the door behind him.

“Hey.” He shoots a narrow look my way as he tucks the keys back into his jacket pocket. “Are you sick? We can get you in to see the team doctor first thing tomorrow morning.”

I shake my head as I smooth a hand over my hair, hopefully calming the strands disturbed by Evie’s fingers tugging at them while she came all over my face. The thought makes me brush my sleeve across my mouth just to be safe. “Nah, just beat from a rough week at practice.”

“It’s Tuesday,” he says, clearly still suspicious.