Page 35 of My Dad's Rival

Lucy’s dad glares at me, but I don’t rise to the bait. He wants a fight, but he’s not going to get one from me. He’s going to listen to his daughter now whether he likes it or not.

She takes a deep breath and looks him in the eye.

“I know what you’re thinking. And I know you feel betrayed. I think in your position, I would too,” Lucy says gently. “But you don’t understand. This thing between Wyatt and me…means something to me. I fell hard and fast. I couldn’t help myself. And I know you don’t really believe in love, but I do. I always have, and now that I’ve found it I don’t want to let it go.”

“You’re too young to understand this, but love passes. No matter what you think you feel, it’ll end. It always does,” Lucy’s father growls while glaring up at me. “Don’t you see that you’re being manipulated? He doesn’t care about you. He’s trying to get back at me.”

“You and your stupid feud,” I grunt. “It’s all in your head. It’s completely one-sided. I never stole your customers. My company is just doing better than yours. I have no reason to want to make you suffer. All I want is to love your daughter like she deserves to be loved.”

“I don’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth.”

“And I can’t believe you’d fed Lucy all these lies for so many years. Why are you so determined to hate me? Is it because I’ve bested you? If so, then you’re being pathetic. You’re trying to stand between our love just because your feelings are hurt.”

He snarls at me and I know I’ve probably said too much. The last thing I want to do is make this worse but Lucy takes over, glaring at her dad.

“He’s right. You’ve taught me nothing, but hatred for years. And for what? For a few extra dollars? Dad, look around you. You’re rich. You don’t need to compete to be the best. You’ve made an amazing life for yourself. Please, don’t throw all of it away over a rivalry that you built up in your own head. It can’t possibly be worth it.”

He sighs, shaking his head. “You-You don’t understand. I’ve…I’ve been obsessed with this for years. It’s taken over my life. It gave me purpose when I had none. I can’t just move past it. It’s what's driven me for so long…”

Lucy reaches across the table for her dad’s hand. “It doesn’t have to be this way anymore. We can move on. We can forget this whole mess. We can find something new for you to channel everything into.”

Her dad looks her directly in the eye. “I…I know this is madness. Really, I do. But I always thought it was my way of keeping you close. I thought it gave us a common goal. It gave me something to teach you. Lucy, you’re an incredible young woman. I somehow raised someone better than I can ever be. You can have whatever you want in life. And I’ve known that all along. I just…I guess I knew that meant that someday you’d leave me behind. That’s why I’ve tried so hard to keep you close. That’s why I tried to get you involved in this, in the company. I…I’m just a crazy, lonely guy in the middle of his life with little to show for it.”

“That’s not true,” Lucy says gently.

He shakes his head, his eyes closed in pain. “It is true. I never got the hang of love, not in the romantic sense, at least. I’ve spent my life alone, save for you. I don’t have anyone else. And I guess that’s why I’ve been so intent on keeping you close to me and kept everyone else at arm’s length. I thought it was you and me against the world, honey. And now…well, you’ve found someone else, haven’t you?”

Lucy’s eyes fill with tears. I can see the pain in her dad’s eyes to. He clearly feels alone in the world. No wonder he’s been so focused on his work, on being the best. How can I blame him for becoming obsessed? It’s the one thing he has to cling to.

“Dad, I’m not replacing you. I fell in love, that’s normal but it doesn’t mean that I’m leaving you behind. You’re my family. You raised me alone, and I love you for that. You’ve taught me so many wonderful things…but sometimes, you just get it a little bit wrong, and that’s okay. No one expects you to be perfect all the time. I certainly don’t. And Dad…all I’m asking of you is to give Wyatt and me a chance. I want you to try and forget everything you thought and see things clearly. I love him so much. I want to be with him, get married someday, have lots of children…and they’ll be your family too if you’ll allow that. You’re never going to be alone while I’m around…and I’m going to raise my kids just like you raised me. With love and compassion, aside from your feud. Don’t you want to be a part of that?”