Countering, the First dared one of his dark smirks. “Do you agree to my terms, pretty mouse?”

Why was his voice so soft?

He wasn’t even purring. There was no real word for the growl-born rattle that came from the massive male’s chest. But the vibration did her in all the same.

Male fingers continued to slip over her neck and face, Caspian seeming to marvel at her filthy skin, stroking all the places it peeked from her clothing.

His pleasure in the moment churned in her belly, ran shivering through Wren’s viscera to meld with the same enticement Toby chimed within her bones.

“Make this easy on yourself. Say yes.”

Wide eyes blinking in shock, Wren didn’t know how to answer.

Caspian was going to pay his debt.

She never truly expected it, yet… victory felt unexpectedly hollow.

Wrapping her arms around her middle, Wren truly felt like a prostitute.

The transaction was almost complete.

Payment for her to fuck him and his friends, so that someday she would be the one leaving his rooms to see a new, shiny girl brought in to replace her.

And that thought stirred a soul deep ache.

It had to have been written on her face, the eventual loss. The knowing that servicing men would be forever, as he had said.

Hand to Caspian’s chest, she shifted back far enough to say what needed to be said before she made herself less than nothing.

You threw me out into the mud.

Unshakable, a liar through and through, Toby pressed his way nearer. “She says she never wanted to leave.”

Wren threw the grinning Toby a sullen glare, the Third subtly shook his head where Caspian might not see.

She tried again. You took my boys from me.

“The money isn’t for her. It’s for the kids.” Toby said, twisting her words to fit a very different narrative.

Wren shut her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. God, her fingers hurt and it was growing hard to sign.

Why was she even wasting the effort at this point? He said he’d give her what she wanted.

After a stuttering huff, Wren got down to the heart of her real fear. You, Toby, and Kieran made me whore.

That particular phrase Toby seemed to have trouble translating.

I don’t want to do that anymore. I kept our bargain. I did unspeakable things. Now you keep yours and you pay me what you owe.

Mud brown eyes held hers. “Why is she crying? What is she saying?”

With a pained look twitching over his face, Toby pushed his way close enough to stop her fingers. His hold unyielding, she struggled, Wren releasing a defeated whimper, as she shook her head no.

Anger growing before the word burst from his mouth, Caspian snarled. “No?”

“She says,” a look of outright sedition on his face, Toby offered, “she hated sharing you with the pen.”

There was no way to counter these lies, even if they were bursting with half-truths, leaving Wren to wilt when Caspian forcibly pulled her to his chest and set his nose to her hair.

No comment was made one way or the other. Caspian offered no assurance.

He just forced up her chin and laid a brutal kiss to her lips.

Toby at her back, cutting off any chance to push away and escape, Caspian grinding a boil-hot erection to her front, Wren was caught.

The First devoured, pawed, starved groans rushing from his mouth to fill hers.

“Please,” Toby whispered at her ear, fighting her filthy clothing to expose bare skin. “Please, sunshine.”

It was he, the obsessed Third who found his way into her pants first. His fingers that brushed her clit.

Bucking to escape, to seek more, Wren let out a moan that set Caspian roaring.

In tandem they tore away the remainder of her filthy things, no care for who saw, until Wren was bare before anyone who might dare look to their masters’ terrace.

Both growled, but she was too thirsty to produce more than a single gush of slick. Both licked and lavished.

But it was Caspian who spun her about, who bent her in half over his table and shoved his cock balls deep before she might fully spread.

That one manic thrust, and Caspian’s knot burst forward to trap her kicking and heaving over his papers.

Back arched, Wren keened, unsure how she got there or why it felt like her insides were on the verge of explosion.

A forced orgasm drew a raw scream that echoed despite the rushing water and slaves laboring below.

Alpha cum flooded her belly, churning with the rolling rock of male hips grinding forcefully against her buttocks.

Jerking and gasping every few minutes, Caspian peppered the back of her neck with lingering kisses. It seemed more than once he tried to speak, only choked gibberish met her ears.

And all the while Toby crouched next to her and held her eyes.

The lying maniac said it, as if it made this all okay. As if he’d make it up to her. “I love you.”