Wren knew Kieran desired to leave. That he hated her. She’d even take his coming beating without so much as a cry of protest so long as she could silently display how she felt.

Just for this one moment where she knew her boy had been given a secret, precious gift. Where the man who had delivered it let her take comfort in him, even though he disliked her.

She took her moment with full enthusiasm, with a smile and the purr reserved for actual happiness.

When his grip came to her horribly tangled and mud spattered hair, she didn’t resist. Scalp tingling from the pressure, from the strength of his grip, she was made to lift her head.

The face looking down at her was a stranger’s.

He moved so quickly she’d barely had time to draw breath. One moment she’d been hugging the villain who’d taken pity on her child, the next she was slammed against the sagging wall of her building.

By him.

Because he was kissing her as if he’d die without another taste.

Kieran, who never kissed when he fucked her.

Startled, her purr stumbled into a whimper. He swallowed it, the entirety of his body pressed against her slight frame in the dark.

The noises coming from him were desperate, the force of his body rubbing against hers imprinting the wall into her skin.

And then a second later he was off of her, panting, green eyes burning as if she had done him harm.

Chest heaving, knowing she looked utterly befuddled, Wren kept herself painted against the wall.

The male pacing before her, the one manically running his hands through tousled tawny hair, was a stranger.

You hate me.

But he glared at her with such longing.

You use me like a disposable doll.

Stopping long enough that his boots sunk a good two inches into the mud, he cut her a glance, looked about ready to rip her head from her shivering shoulders… as if he heard her silent tirade.

And then flew at her again.

Tongue and teeth and lips that gave no quarter, he didn’t care that she barked out an alarmed cry.

He blocked out the sky with his mass, held her pinned so the mud could not suck her down further, and rocked his hips against her belly with manic jerks.

Wet warmth that had not come from mist or mud marked her stomach, the male spilling so much precum the outside air would waft the aroma for all those near to sniff.

A dangerous Alpha was fucking, laying claim. Do not disturb.

Caught up in his impatience, Kieran began to bunch up her tattered dress.

It was as if he didn’t even realize there was more than his urges before him. One second he was growling for her slick, the next he had freed his cock and rammed it so deep inside her, Wren’s teeth snapped together.

Tongue invaded her mouth, he whined and bucked and pulled at her hair.

This was not the calculating seducer who only gave her pleasure with pain, the one who degraded her and did all he could to make sure she hated him.

This was a man possessed.

A man who was arrestingly rough and infinitely gentle.

Her back would be gouged with bits of cement wall, her pussy was screaming that he was too big, that she was stretched too full.

That his looming knot would see her in tears.

Yet her bowed body reveled in it, despite the fact that he pumped into her in the most horrible of locations.

A graveyard.

The mud that held her shame.

It was as if it didn’t matter. As if she was absolved.

As if this was what it should always feel like with a male.

Before Wren might even register what twisted her toes, an orgasm of epic proportions left her screaming into the mouth of a man she didn’t know at all.

His following knot was set deep, bursting out and interlocking them together in a way that left them both vulnerable.

All it would take was one thug slamming him on the back of the head with a rock. One freezing neighbor to drive a blade between their ribs to steal their clothes.

Sagging until mud squished Wren’s back, the pair of them took to the ground.

He wouldn’t meet her eyes, his own cast to the side as if he was in pain.

As if he felt guilt.

The warmth of his following burst, the twist of her vaginal cavity squishing his meat tight distracted just enough she didn’t realize how deep she’d sunk into the mud.

It covered her ears, creeping up her cheeks and about to fill her mouth.

The Second Alpha, his head thrown back, sucked in a hearty breath. Tossing his gaze her way, his breath caught and he yanked her out of the mire.

Dragging her out of the mud, he climbed up the scrap heap she’d piled for her fence and kept them both clear of the very mud that was slowly devouring Dale City.